New breeder and looking for advice on genetics for coloring

Apr 5, 2020
Hi everyone. I am not a new chicken owner. I have owned my layers for 2 years and raised them. I have now wanted to get into breeding some but am so unsure of bird genetics to get the coloring I would like. I want to get the correct birds to produce silver laced wyandotte, red laced wyandotte, ayam cemani, blue laced red wyandotte, blue copper maran, and I'm sure some others too. Mainly interested in the wyandottes right now but I'm so unsure on the genetic code and what I need to breed to whom in order to get what I want out of the babies. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking - are you asking what to breed together to get these birds? If yes, the answer is, just get ahold of the breeds you want and breed them together and don't cross them.

So for example, silver laced wyandottes. Find a breeder and get some nice silver laced wyandottes, then keep them together in a flock without crossing them to other breeds or colors and all the chicks they produce will also be silver laced wyandottes. Same for ayam cemanis.

The other two you mentioned, blue laced red wyandottes and blue copper marans, are just slightly different, because the blue gene doesn't breed true. For example, if you get ahold of some blue copper marans and breed them together, 50% of all the chicks would hatch blue copper, but 25% would have black copper and 25% would hatch splash copper.

Same with the wyandottes, 50% would hatch blue laced red, 25% would hatch black laced red, and 25% would hatch splash laced red.

Here's a chart on blue breeding to help you visualize and understand how you can breed blue, black, and splash together.

i'm just starting out raising chickens and have 4, getting more... i'm also looking into chicken breeding and genetics, i have tried doing many calculations with lacing and transferring through breeds and such. if you want to learn the foundation of chicken genetics, i would go to "chickens in my garden" youtube channel, there is a whole playlist...
for lacing, i'm pretty sure the code contains Co, Pg, Ml (columbian, pencilled, and melanotic) to gat a single laced. if you breed a single and a single laced, you get a single laced... if you breed a gold laced and a splash, you would probably get a blue laced. if you are really interested, but aren't big on the math, go to chicken genetic calculator (kippen jungle:

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