New Breeds, Genetics and Showing section coming soon


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
As BYC grew it attracted many chicken keepers from all ages and levels of experience and interest. Up until now when these members wanted to start or participate in a breed discussion they got together in the Breeds, Genetics, & Showing forum section and members breeding to the Standard and newer chicken owners simply wanting to talk about their chickens often ended up participating on the same threads, causing some confusion and in some cases unhappiness and hurt feelings. The Staff have been discussing this problem and the lack of clear definition, which is serious Standard of Perfection (SOP) related discussions and which are more general discussions and it was decided to split the Breeds, Genetics and Showing section into two. We will be creating a new section for discussions relating to the Standard of Perfection, showing and genetics and the existing section will be the catch all section for all other breed related discussions and FAQ. Both sections will be titled to reflect the content of each section. Existing discussions relating to the SOP and breeding to the SOP will be moved to the new section, so please give us a little time to get everything reorganised before starting new threads there

If anyone has any questions regarding this, feel free to post here or PM any Staff member.
Won't work. The chicken mommies will invade.
I think the best way to keep the "pet owners" away (as opposed to breeders) is to establish the guidelines for conversation, requirement to use Std of Perf terminology and insist the moderators direct "pet owner" posts to the appropriate other thread locations.

I know BYC has been and wants to continue to be friendly to the "causal poultry owner", but a thread of this sort will only be as good as those who can be attracted to participate on a regular basis
BYC has always been about inclusion for everyone. Personally, I don't think this new split into 2 forums is about an us vs them mindset. I think it's about helping people more easily find the info most pertinent to their quest for knowledge. Now it can easily become the former however I think it would be best for BYC if it was viewed as the latter. Poultry people should always be welcome everywhere on BYC. We all started somewhere. A notable number of us stumbled onto Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl thread and were warmly welcomed and made to feel at home regardless of our novice questions. A good percentage of those now are breeding or getting ready to breed heritage fowl. This forum split is about making BYC easier to use, not excluding one segment over another. BYC's strength has always been it's all inclusiveness. One can roam the threads and forums at will, always knowing one will be welcome wherever one decides to "light".
Best Regards,
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Won't work. The chicken mommies will invade.
If that happens we are hoping that the participants on those threads will politely point the members in the right direction. The success of this division will largely depend on our members, so please help us make this a success.
I think the best way to keep the "pet owners" away (as opposed to breeders) is to establish the guidelines for conversation, requirement to use Std of Perf terminology and insist the moderators direct "pet owner" posts to the appropriate other thread locations.

I know BYC has been and wants to continue to be friendly to the "causal poultry owner", but a thread of this sort will only be as good as those who can be attracted to participate on a regular basis
We have spent a lot of time discussing the titles of the new sections and how to word them, so that at a glance people will know what kind of discussions/queries to expect in which section. The Staff will not be babysitting the threads and redirecting "pet owners" to their section though. We have quite enough work to do already
. As I said above, we are hoping the participants will do so and in a polite way.

Most of BYC's members are made up of "casual poultry owners", but we are doing this so that our more serious breeders can have their own space to discuss genetics, the SOP, breeding, etc. Hopefully this move will attract more serious breeders? Time will tell.
We have spent a lot of time discussing the titles of the new sections and how to word them, so that at a glance people will know what kind of discussions/queries to expect in which section. The Staff will not be babysitting the threads and redirecting "pet owners" to their section though. We have quite enough work to do already
. As I said above, we are hoping the participants will do so and in a polite way.

Most of BYC's members are made up of "casual poultry owners", but we are doing this so that our more serious breeders can have their own space to discuss genetics, the SOP, breeding, etc. Hopefully this move will attract more serious breeders? Time will tell.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND I AM NOT TRYING TO BE CONTRARY....but rather REALISTIC. I believe the fallacy in this concept is that it is believed participants to this thread will have an active knowledge of all the other areas of BYC... I've been a member here a little over 5 yrs and would not know the appropriate areas/threads/etc to direct a person to, nor do I have the time to research it. Therefore, I would foresee "causal inquiries" that do not belong in a thread of this type being ignored....not out of malice, but simply from a lack of knowledge. I can tell you from experience that "exhibition breeders" that we might encourage to participate will have little experience with BYC and will NOT take the time to learn it....

Just food for thought
I think the best way to keep the "pet owners" away (as opposed to breeders) is to establish the guidelines for conversation, requirement to use Std of Perf terminology and insist the moderators direct "pet owner" posts to the appropriate other thread locations.

I know BYC has been and wants to continue to be friendly to the "causal poultry owner", but a thread of this sort will only be as good as those who can be attracted to participate on a regular basis
Scott, it's a good point, and that's been part of our discussion on this topic. We've got a couple of mods that are regular posters in the "heritage fowl sections" and so we get it - and we very much appreciate this feedback. The problem is that there are only so many of us to go around; we're not here to police the threads, and it's not our "job" to redirect - it is EVERYONES job to redirect folks to the appropriate section. We're working on a stickie for the new section that will/should provide insight into what the section is about, and who it is geared toward. That ought to sort of "weed out" some of the folks that really ought to post their questions elsewhere.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND I AM NOT TRYING TO BE CONTRARY....but rather REALISTIC. I believe the fallacy in this concept is that it is believed participants to this thread will have an active knowledge of all the other areas of BYC... I've been a member here a little over 5 yrs and would not know the appropriate areas/threads/etc to direct a person to, nor do I have the time to research it. Therefore, I would foresee "causal inquiries" that do not belong in a thread of this type being ignored....not out of malice, but simply from a lack of knowledge. I can tell you from experience that "exhibition breeders" that we might encourage to participate will have little experience with BYC and will NOT take the time to learn it....

Just food for thought
VERY good point, and I actually did bring this up in our discussions; everything isn't set in stone just yet, and again, we appreciate your feedback. I agree, but it's not my site; wherever it lands, it'll be watched and we may at some point decide to move it to a place that's easier to get to without having to click-click-click through sections to find it. At this point, we're keen on finding out just how much traffic will go through it.

Won't work. The chicken mommies will invade.
Bill.....try to view this is an opportunity; and know that it's okay for members to refer "newbies" to the stickie. You just need to do so in an appropriate way. We won't tolerate flaming or rudeness; just simply let these folks know that this section is more geared to folks discussing Standard of Perfection-type breeding, and let them know where the stickie for the section is (in the stickie, we'll put in the section names and perhaps links to help them out).
Sounds like what the Breeding, Genetics & Showing section should already be, but maybe that will undergo a name change?

Glad to hear BYC is finally waking up. Hopefully it's effective. NYREDS is probably right about it not keeping all the riff raff out but if some sort of standards are actually enforced maybe the newcomers and casual people that come there might actually learn something which would be a big improvement over now.

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