New bunny


11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Hi everyone

We are getting a baby lionhead bunny this weekend - What do we need to prepare? Obviously things like food, water, cage - But what else? Anything an 8 week baby will need to be happy?

So apparently the books I've read are wrong....

~Don't feed lettuce until it is an adult. Even then limit green treats (besides hay and grass). Iceberg lettuce should not be fed at all.

~Make sure the rabbit cannot break out of his/her cage. Our cage's door hangs down from the inside, so the rabbit cannot get out. But we have another one that uses a spring to secure it from the outside, and she can get out of that one by simply pressing on the door.

~Read rabbit books for safety!
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Alfalfa hay is not good for bunnies--to much protein. Rabbit pellets (feed) contain mostly alfalfa so they get enough protein from thier feed, no need for more. Trully a rabbit gets everything it needs from the pellets and doesn't need anything else. I give mine timothy/grass hay as something for the rabbit to munch on and not get bored. Always keep fresh water out. Heat is alot harder on bunnies then the cold.
Good luck,
Alfalfa is NOT good for them, it can cause major urinary tract issues. Timothy is best for their digestive systems. Rabbits have delicate digestive systems - too many treats can mess with it. Apples, carrots and broccoli are best. Mine won't touch apples or carrots so they get a stalk of broccoli twice a week.
Never thought to give them broccoli? I give mine some watermelon rinds (they love them!) and other pieces of fruit that might not get eaten by a human (rarely happens). Other than that they get their feed and some fresh clover/grass when it's not 1000 degrees outside

To the OP: I keep bottles of ice in the deep freezer for really hot days, especially for my mama bunny. They help the bunnies stay cool by laying next to it.
Be careful with the broccoli. Some rabbits do fine on it, some do not. Young rabbits especially may not. Just introduce it slowly, as you would any new veg or fruit. For a lionhead, consider giving some papaya or other food known to help with digestion and passing of hair so they do not get wool block.

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