New BYC... Anyone excited?

Kathy, if you bail because of this, I'll throw a fit!!

Please just ask me if you have any questions- it's much easier than you think and getting used to it is brief for MAJOR rewards. Don't make me miss you!!!

I agree, and I know they're working on it...I have a bunch of stuff laying now and will need the auctions up, too. I don't like setting prices and prefer to have the market set the prices. I also know it's crucial to many to have proxy bidding. I'll be on ebay for a while, I suspect.

Edited because I forgot to quote!
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Wow not sure I like the new and improved myself. I think it was easier to use before but working on trying to figure it out.
... much slower, harder to navigate... for instance, instead of just clicking "recent posts", now you have to click "New posts" and then Click "New Posts" again. Hate that, but I'll get used to it I suppose.

Mahonri, if you go to the top and 'hover' over the tab for 'Forums' you'll see this:

You see the teeny little words at the top of the drop down menu?

"Forums | New Posts | Hot | Unanswered | I've Posted"

Those babies will be your new best friends in this format. You'll use those babies to get around in this place like we did the other site.

Someone needs to take the colored text editor away from me, quick! I'm turning into Imp!
Well, once again, those of us still on dial-up get the ugly stick. These pages take forever to load. The ads on the right side of the forum are too busy, and very distracting. The emoticons have to be loaded every time you want to use them. I'm with you Kathy, don't think I'll be spending too much time here any more, it's not user friendly to me. Can't view videos with dial-up, so if that's what's in the "how to" part in how to use all the new features, it's out of reach for me. Good luck all...
All I ask is to please tone down all the white! Okay, there are more things I could ask for but this is the most crucial. I will get migraines from all this.
The old site did have a more "down home" feel to it, as a previous poster noted. It had a lot of soft greys and blues and what has kept me from other sites is the blasting white, giving it too sterile of a feel. That is a main reason I believe we have so many members on BYC, the soft, loved feeling the page gave off.
I hate this reply window for a few reasons but know I will get used to it.
I'm trying....really, I am. I want to love the new BYC. I need more tutorials though and I am sure eventually I will learn all the bells and whistles but I am not computer savvy so I forget how to use all this stuff.

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