New BYC... Anyone excited?

EVERYONE: Please update your browser.

This is something folks hate to do, but it makes an incredible difference, plus, the old versions of browsers are dangerous because the holes are wide open to hackers- just take a deep breath and do it.

I know it's upsetting to have changes, but this was necessary, and we'll get used to it soon if we just try.

I, personally, LOVE it!! I'm tickled to have all of the tools that are here, and I ignore the stuff I haven't tried yet.

I WILL eat this elephant one bite at a time!!
Thankyou BYC!
I have no complaints about it.
I havent quite figured out a few things on here but I appreciate a site that is free that I can come to and find answers to emergencies Im dealing with for my chickens.
Read threads of interests and partake in.
All the time and effort you folks do for this site and its free.
Im not complaing once IOHTA!
YOU all do so much and ask for nothing in return so.......

I too think it's very slow and I have fast Broad band, I am not willing to update my browser to accomidate it. seems harder to navigate and redundant. I can't figure out how yet to increase post per page. I have been on BYC less and less and this will certainly make me visit much less or not at all. Iam sure that will make the Mods happy though LOL, it just seems so busy and the advertising is way over the top and distracting, but hey he's gotta make the $$ somehow. In short I am not opposed to change for the betterment of the site but this seems to defeat the purpose, and I am not a computer knucklehead, I can work this thing.
Old Avatar and the pages load so incredibly slow. Also, I have developed a headache after only a few minutes of looking around.
Bummer. Please don't go anywhere though, theoldchick. You make this forum special. Seriously! I would miss you around here!
I also have no complaints about this new site. It is going to take some time to get used to as with any change. Thanks for dedicating so much time into this site, Nifty and staff!
EVERYONE: Please update your browser.

This is something folks hate to do, but it makes an incredible difference, plus, the old versions of browsers are dangerous because the holes are wide open to hackers- just take a deep breath and do it.

I know it's upsetting to have changes, but this was necessary, and we'll get used to it soon if we just try.

I, personally, LOVE it!! I'm tickled to have all of the tools that are here, and I ignore the stuff I haven't tried yet.

I WILL eat this elephant one bite at a time!!

Great point!

BTW, updating your browser will not only help your performance here on BYC, but on other sites cross the interwebs!
I tried posting another auction. There are no choices about shipping or length of auction...people are emailed me asking how to bid...I have no idea...there is no explanation or directions.
Anyone know?

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