New Challenge - Good deed for the day.

Just found this thread........

Y'all are giving me chills. Thanks.
My Dear best Friend needed surgery and had insurance but did not have the money for copay. We gave her a $1500. gift. She deserved it quite a LADY.

Beekissed, I like you believe in putting my tithe where you can see the benefit. I have tried to explain this to alot of people, to no avail. You are the only other person I have heard do this. I have expressed that while missions are necessary, I just can't put my money there while a child sits in the front pew every Sunday with large holes in the soles of his tennis shoes. There is so much local need. Gosh just open your eyes, it is every where. I wish I were wealthy. But it seems the wealthy are blind.

Amen to that! Ever since I've been in church as a little girl, overseas missions have been a large focus of church tithe monies....and there were folks in church that had no electricity or running water...and not by choice. There were very poor families in our community and all around us, but no one would give to them before these overseas missions. They felt like they should be able to decide if these people were "deserving" of the tithe...if they didn't feel they were making wise choices, they didn't get money. Well, not everyone makes wise choices all the time....these are just the people that the churches need to befriend, to teach, to help.

I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where Jesus said to only give to those who deserve just says give cheerfully. I assume He will take care of the rest.

The church I currently attend is the same way...they are much more comfortable, it seems, sending a check to someone they cannot see than they are visiting a home where the floors are rotting from under the people living there.

I started tithing in the community long ago and strongly believe that a church will grow in numbers if they only look for the need in their own communities first.
Whenever someone says "Someone should do something!"

Be the person who stands up and says "And that someone is me."

What follows might be the closest you come to being someone's superhero.
Stopped at the bank to get some cash for the Farmers Mkt. Forgot to ask for small bills. Sent the 20's back and asked for small bills mentioning that we were heading to the Mkt and the vendors 'hate' big bills. The teller asked me if they had good tomatoes. Of course! I replied. She noted that she needed some but wouldnt get done working til after it was closed.

After Lindz and I were done at the Mkt, we stopped back by the bank and delivered a couple of tomatoes to the clerk.

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