New chick chick parent

Me too!
Chickens are really special and way smarter than we give them credit for.
I’m amazed at how smart they are. I tell mine they are the smartest, cutest, winning personalities, they always listen and put up with my singing, friendliest, you get the picture. They have music 24 hours a day. I need to have happy chicks. Ate my first eggs this morning. So fresh & yellow.
I feel like I’m asking a dumb question, but why do I need to be concerned. I’m trying hard to keep my babies safe.
Chickens can get flying around - scared, excitable etc. and possibly get cut on that edge. Even a person could accidently get too close to it, wouldn't take much to get cut. One thing I've done to cover a sharp edge like that is cut a piece of rubber hose the long way so that the metal fits between the cut. It acts as a sort of bumper.

Don't ever worry about asking "dumb" questions here! We're all still learning :)
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Chickens can't get flying around - scared, excitable etc. and possibly get cut on that edge. Even a person could accidently get too close to it, wouldn't take much to get cut. One thing I've done to cover a sharp edge like that is cut a piece of rubber hose the long way so that the metal fits between the cut. It acts as a sort of bumper.

Don't ever worry about asking "dumb" questions here! We're all still learning :)
Thank you. That’s a great idea!

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