New chick help


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2015
A few days ago my husband picked up 4 chicks from a local breeder. One was 4 weeks older. I asked the breeder if that was ok and they said yes. Giving electrolyte water, floor heat plate, in a house thats at a constant 70 degrees. The littlest one has been extremely loud, chirping constantly. It was extremely weak, i made a mix of yogurt/egg to feed it. One day it looks like its fine, the next its on its side. I'm not sure whats wrong with it, maybe the older one is trampling it?

Breeder said to separate the big one and gave me another big one so those are together and separated from the small ones. The 3 small ones i put in a different box with a ecoglow 20. 1 day later they are fine, then two hours later a small white one which was perfectly healthy is now dead for no apparent reason. It was under the heater. The ecoglow was on the 2nd notch and the white one was about a week old. I lowered the notch on the ecoglow.. and i'm continuing to hand feed the smallest one. This is all a mystery to me and i dont know what else i can do at this point.
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I was thinking it was either to hot (does my house temp of 70 make a difference here?) to cold (it was on the middle notch instead of the bottom) or it got stuck somehow underneath it. It was the largest of the three and especially acting normal. I was really expecting the little sick one to die rather then the largest of the three. What could kill a chick in a two hour timeframe with no prior symptoms?

The sickly one is drinking out of a syringe straight from the pen and is walking around. But if the other one knocks it over it has a hard time getting back up.
I don't know what could have killed it it would have to be really hot or really cold to kill it I have heard of people keeping newborn chicks out in 80 degrees and they were fine. I don't think that house temp would make a difference as long as the brooder is heated to the correct temp and stays there. She might have gotten stuck and touched the heating element but I'm not for sure how she died either.

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