New chick owner - 1 of 4 has diarrhea. Help greatly appreciated


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2018
This is our first flock - so thank you for taking a moment to help me out! We purchased a Barred Rock, Welsummer, Ameracauna and a Blue Cochin yesterday afternoon from Ace Hardware. I believe these chick hatched last Thursday and shipped to Ace on Friday morning for sale. All chicks seem to be doing well with the exception of the Barred Rock "Dot". Dot has diarrhea. They are being fed Nutrena Country Feeds Chick Starter Grower (medicated). I was told this was better than the other feeds available. She is eating, drinking and actively socializing with the other chicks. Is there something I can give her to help clear this up?

All of the other chicks have firm, normal looking poop. Dot's poop looks like a brown puddle.
The brooder is 93-95 degrees and they have plenty of room to roam to cooler areas. They all drink repeatedly throughout the day...but I don't see any one doing so more than the others. I'm changing out their water multiple times daily.
I would keep a good eye out for pasty butt, diarrhea can easily cause this.
Any blood in her poo? Cocci often causes bloody diarrhea.

What type of bedding do you use? How often will you be changing it? Any damp spots in bedding?
Welcome! It's early yet, and may be fine in another day or two. If the brooder is warm enough at one end, and cool (room temperature) on the other side, that's good. Food and water available, not too hot. No wet spots next to the waterer. Keep her rear end clean, if she has poo sticking to it.
Otherwise, just watch, and see how everyone does.

Glad you're here !

A must have for your poultry is a FIRST AID KIT for any issues that would arise. (
It's definitely better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.

Also, make sure your coop(s) have a proper amount of VENTILATION. ( Your chickens will absolutely thank you for it!

One last thing, if you're into gardening, feel free to join this years SEED SWAP (
I would keep a good eye out for pasty butt, diarrhea can easily cause this.
Any blood in her poo? Cocci often causes bloody diarrhea.

What type of bedding do you use? How often will you be changing it? Any damp spots in bedding?
No blood. Changing the bedding (wood shavings - pine) every other day. No damp spots. Thank you for your help!

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