New Chicken Acting Strange


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2017
Seattle, WA
I have a new 12 week old Brabanter chicken that I brought home from a farm, where she was kept in a large gated pen with MANY other chickens. She FREAKED out when the staff member picked her up and every time I have tried to pick her up since then (only twice), she still freaks (flaps her wings and acts like you are trying to kill her). She sits a lot and when she does stand, she seems very wobbly and off balance. Other than her tail feathers being a little gnawed on and being underweight (I can feel her breast bone prominently), she seems healthy. I'm not sure what to look out for or what this may be indicative of...? Anyone have any ideas?

I figured maybe she has some chicken PTSD from the farm where she lived. She's with two other hens in quarantine right now and they are all laying low and keeping quiet. I just worry that she might be sick and I don't know what to do for her. :(

Over reacting? Or has anyone else had a new chicken acting like this? And what was the outcome?

Thanks! --Stephanie
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:welcomeThe wobbly part I don't like. The freaking out is normal for a chicken that hasn't been handled . It is not uncommon for them to be injured when they freak out .Watch her close . If it's just she is stressed out she should be better in a day or two . Try offering her some fresh grass or fruit to entice her to stand and move on her own . Coming from a large farm she might not know what treats are .Did the others come from the same farm?
:welcomeThe wobbly part I don't like. The freaking out is normal for a chicken that hasn't been handled . It is not uncommon for them to be injured when they freak out .Watch her close . If it's just she is stressed out she should be better in a day or two . Try offering her some fresh grass or fruit to entice her to stand and move on her own . Coming from a large farm she might not know what treats are .Did the others come from the same farm?

Yes, they all came from the same pen. It's coming on day 3 now and she's still not acting normal, despite being kept in a quiet place with plenty of food and water. I'm not sure how long I watch her for vs. make the awful decision to possibly cull her. I know if I put her with my flock they'll just pick on her if she keeps acting like this. How long would you give her to turn around, if you were me? And should I contact the farm and let them know what's going on?
And the other two hens are acting completely fine which is why her behavior stands out so much. She flaps her wings quite a bit when she gets panicked (and it doesn't take much for that to happen)
If she hasn't been handled, flighty is normal... she might be wobbly from being undernourished...
What is the stuff you guys are always giving chicks that I don't ? @StephStone you said she is thin but you didn't say how much she is eating and drinking. Are feed and water consumption good ?
Yes contact the farm I assume this has been from the time you got her home . I thought you had done that already . It sounds like she is having pain from her legs have you checked to make sure they aren't broke or dislocated ?. How is she today ?
What is the stuff you guys are always giving chicks that I don't ? @StephStone you said she is thin but you didn't say how much she is eating and drinking. Are feed and water consumption good ?
Yes contact the farm I assume this has been from the time you got her home . I thought you had done that already . It sounds like she is having pain from her legs have you checked to make sure they aren't broke or dislocated ?. How is she today ?

Nutridrench Poultry vitamins...

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