New Chicken Acting Strange

Nutridrench Poultry vitamins...
What is the stuff you guys are always giving chicks that I don't ? @StephStone you said she is thin but you didn't say how much she is eating and drinking. Are feed and water consumption good ?
Yes contact the farm I assume this has been from the time you got her home . I thought you had done that already . It sounds like she is having pain from her legs have you checked to make sure they aren't broke or dislocated ?. How is she today ?

I did contact the farm and they are had me treat for coccidosis (sp?). I gave them a 5 day supply and the chick in question doesn't seem any better. She eats and drinks okay but the rest of the time she moves around she seems unsteady and tired. She has no desire to groom herself, all her tail feathers (which are shredded to begin with) seem to be falling out and now I think she's got a drippy beak.

I don't know how long I should let her go on like this? :(
I did contact the farm and they are had me treat for coccidosis (sp?). I gave them a 5 day supply and the chick in question doesn't seem any better. She eats and drinks okay but the rest of the time she moves around she seems unsteady and tired. She has no desire to groom herself, all her tail feathers (which are shredded to begin with) seem to be falling out and now I think she's got a drippy beak.

I don't know how long I should let her go on like this? :(
The thing is she was like that from day one I hate this for you . You might want cull the chicken . It is seven plus days now .It sounds like she is getting worse .:(
Update: Thank you everyone who responded to my post. I ended up culling her this weekend because she just wasn't getting better and her quality of life wasn't there. Hard decision but I believe it was the right one for her. :(
Sounds to me like you did the right thing . Doesn't make it easy just right. And the hardest part keeping chickens .:( I hope the rest of your flock are doing good :fl

I've actually got a NEW problem :(
I have to decide what to do with the three new beauties I bought to add to my flock....two are sneezing and one of them sounds gurgly every now and then. They are eating and moving around just fine--only on their first week of being quarantined. I certainly don't want to unnecessarily kill my three new chickens that I love dearly, but I also don't want to introduce any nasty viruses into my flock that I've had since April that's JUST now starting to lay. Not sure what to do :(
I've actually got a NEW problem :(
I have to decide what to do with the three new beauties I bought to add to my flock....two are sneezing and one of them sounds gurgly every now and then. They are eating and moving around just fine--only on their first week of being quarantined. I certainly don't want to unnecessarily kill my three new chickens that I love dearly, but I also don't want to introduce any nasty viruses into my flock that I've had since April that's JUST now starting to lay. Not sure what to do :(
Keep them in quarantine until they get well for sneezing try VetRx it will help . Tractor supply has it the gurgling is bad . you'll need antibiotics for that . Water soluble is the easiest to give mix this at a rate of one quarter teaspoon per quart or until it is the color of lime Gatorade for ten days max fresh every day and hope for the best good luck

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