New Chicken Breeds at Townline in Michigan


Overrun With Guineas
11 Years
Feb 29, 2008
Barton City, MI
I went to my feed store in Spruce, MI yesterday and they had the chick ordering set up for Townline Hatchery in Zeeland, MI. I'm not sure which breed they got rid of but Townline is now offering Silver Laced Wyandottes! I had actually decided not to get any new chicks this year (hatching my own) but as I have Glod Laced and love them and there those SLWs were, I just HAVE to get some.

I thought anyone else in MI who didn't know might be interested. Their website also lists another breed they call Shaver Black Sex Links, a Barred Rock/Rhode Island Cross.
Yes we are are selling SLW this year.The black sexlinked arn't new but a very good layer and very petty. I had them 40 years ago when I was a kid.
I have a question about Townline's assorted bantams. I know you can't choose particular breeds, but is there a list of the possible breeds they may send you? Or is it just deliriously confusing on what your possibilities are?
Oh. okay, I figure the sexlinks were new since the website says "NEW".


I'm going for the SLWs though because my barred rock rooster got frost bite on his comb and my glws didn't. I want to avoid single comb birds for that reason.

BTW all my birds and ducks I got from Townline have been pretty nice birds.

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