My children and I recently started our flock of egg layers. We recently bought 10 acres and will start populating it with farm type animals.
I remember taking care of our chickens as a young person and couldnt wait to get some girls again. We wanted cold hardy breeds who lay into the winter. Our goal is to sell eggs. We started with 3 RIR, 3 BO and 2 Amauracanas (which look a lot like EEs after perusing BYC). We finally found Black Australorps (my dd loves them) and added 2 little ones.
Our main flock is 12 ish weeks old and the BAs are probably 3-4 weeks old now. The big girls just moved out to their coop permanently this past week (cold and slow builders delayed their move). The little ones will go out when they are big enough.
BYC has been a huge help since before we got the girls. I remember a lot from childhood, but also research the heck out of something before I do it.
My children and I recently started our flock of egg layers. We recently bought 10 acres and will start populating it with farm type animals.
I remember taking care of our chickens as a young person and couldnt wait to get some girls again. We wanted cold hardy breeds who lay into the winter. Our goal is to sell eggs. We started with 3 RIR, 3 BO and 2 Amauracanas (which look a lot like EEs after perusing BYC). We finally found Black Australorps (my dd loves them) and added 2 little ones.
Our main flock is 12 ish weeks old and the BAs are probably 3-4 weeks old now. The big girls just moved out to their coop permanently this past week (cold and slow builders delayed their move). The little ones will go out when they are big enough.
BYC has been a huge help since before we got the girls. I remember a lot from childhood, but also research the heck out of something before I do it.