New Chicken Momma Here!


In the Brooder
Nov 17, 2020
Hello everyone! :frow
I am so glad to finally join the community since I have been creeping around the site since getting our Ladies in May. We have 6 "Pandemic Chickens" and my family and I are in love with them. After years of wanting chickens, my husband and I decided that we were ready when the pandemic started earlier this spring. We have two daughters (11& 15) and the chickens have been a great distraction and stress relief during their remote learning. We ordered a brown layer assortment so we're not 100% sure of the breeds... we have been told by friends who raise chickens that they look like 2 barred rocks, 2 australorps, 1 welsummer and 1 cuckoo maran. Regardless, they are the sweetest girls and we are so excited to have them. One BR laid her first egg on Sunday and we cannot wait for the others to start laying soon.

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