New Chicken Owners!


In the Brooder
May 2, 2015
Hello all! I pray I can learn alot here. My hubby came home one day and surprised us with 6 girl baby chicks! I believe it was end of March 2015 when he brought them home and they are getting big quick! He don't know which chick is which and the store owner marked the box they came in as the same type chicks,but they all look differ and sizes are differ. I hope to find out what type of chicks we have, when we can leave them outside (still need a coop & run), and when will & how many eggs each lay, etc. So excited to learn more!!! God bless! :)

Congrats on the new additions. If you take and post some photos of your birds here we can help you identify what you have. You'll also want to stop by the learning center here where you can start to learn all about your new little charges.
It's definitely time to get moving on that coop and run - they grow much faster than most folks anticipate and are generally able to be out of the brooder as soon as they are fully feathered (5-6 weeks or so), especially this time of year.
I'm anxious to see them myself. What was the writing on the side of the box? Did it say anything like 'pullets' or 'bantams?' - they are not breed names but pullets = females,
bantams= small growers
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Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family.
Thank you. I posted a pic of them. The side of box was marked cornish rocks. But I think I have bantams as well.
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Thank you. I posted a pic of them. The side of box was marked cornish rocks. But I think I have bantams as well.

Cornish Rocks are a meat bird - they are bred to mature and put on heavy amounts of meat rapidly, making them ready to be processed at a very early age. Hopefully this was a matter of mismarking on the box as it does not sound like you are going into this venture wanting to have birds that need to be processed at two months of age.

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