New chicken pen out of pallets

So glad I dropped into this thread! Fencing and a play house for the grandkids... any guesses what I'll be doing at the new house this summer?

I love pallets I need to find some more, anyone have ideas where to look? The ones I got from my DH old job. Guess I could ask my brother to grab some he still works there.
So glad I dropped into this thread! Fencing and a play house for the grandkids... any guesses what I'll be doing at the new house this summer?

I love pallets I need to find some more, anyone have ideas where to look? The ones I got from my DH old job. Guess I could ask my brother to grab some he still works there.

Go to the nearest industrial park in your town and ask around. Also if you have a harbor freight tool store around they give them away too... But they are really thin and only really good for light structures and fences. But you can get all you want from them. Or at least they give me all I want in my city.
The yard looks fantastic!

I am in the process of doing my entire yard out of pallets, we are going to do a perimeter fence of our yard, build our chicken and duck coops out of them, do some chairs for our fire pit, we are also going to build a garden shed and a wood shed, I am sure we will think of more as time goes on and some of this gets completed. I get my pallets from a building supply store. They have over 3000 pallets sitting out in their yard (with more coming in all the time) and they said I could have them all, so I go pick up 33 or 34 of them a day Monday - Friday, because they are closed on the weekends, BUT if they were open I would also get my friend with a flat bed trailer to help me haul them, just so I don't have to go every day.
Just have to add my praise to the heaps you've already received for creative re-purposing! You did a great job and can tinker with the design as you see how your local predators attempt to figure out a way in both to your flock and your garden.

And, speaking of tinkering and your bottomless supply of free pallets, you could offset a SECOND row of pallets next to the first for a REAL Ft. Knox, with a pathway between them for your bulldog to patrol -- kind of like a chicken moat. With wired windows cut out of both sets of pallets, there would still be plenty of viewing ports.

Anyway, it was a pleasure to see how you used those pallets. Nice!
I work at a Lumberyard and we have several pallets that go unused! Wonderful idea and I am starting tomorrow on a new fence. Just on a smaller scale!
My girls will love it! Thanks for the wonderful idea!
Great job. I am reading this with aching muscles. My DH and I picked up 8 pallets today from a place that sells lawnmowers and lawn tractors in our town.The largest was 7' x 6'. Some were smaller. We got a few last week and filled our Silverado again today. These are heavy duty pallets that hold riding mowers for shipment. They were happy for us to take them. We haven't worked out our plan yet, but will need to start the coop and run by next week. My 6 EE chicks are growing fast and I don't want to put them in with the full grown RIRS. We also plan on getting Buckeyes so there will be a constant need for free wood! Darn this chicken math thing;)
I gotta say, I think it is awesome. I have been trying to figure out what to do to accomidate our chicken math problem and you did great! I have a hard time finding pallets that are the same size. I will run over to Harbor Freight this week.


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