new chicken tractor


For the skirt, I'm going to use some 1x2 planks and some more 1/2" hardware cloth (wire mesh) and build 4 rectangles out of it. two will be 8ftx12in, an two will be 6ftx12in. The 8ft ones will go along the long (8ft) sides, the 6ft ones will go on the short (4ft) edges, so it'll look something like this from the top:


I'm not quite sure how I'll attach them to the sides... maybe some kind of gate latch or some hooks and eyes. I'll look around at the hardware store to see what they have. To keep the outside edges down I'll stake them down with tent stakes. The skirt will only be used when I'm out of town and can't be there to lock the chickens up at night and let them out in the morning. I'm usually only gone for a few days at a time, so hopefully that's not long enough for something to dig under the 12" of mesh skirt! I've seen foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and possums in my yard (not at the same time...) so I know there are predators out there.

If anyone has ideas on how to attach the skirt to the coop, let me know!

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