New chickens in new coop not going upstairs


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
I just got my first 2 chickens in my backyard. Put them in our coop but our 2 girls don't seem to be using the ramp to go up in the coop to the roosting bars and the nesting boxes? Do I need to physically put them up there at night to roost etc? Or will they eventually find there way? It seems they have no idea to use the ramp to go upstairs in the coop????
Hello and :welcome
This is a pretty common problem, they just need a bit of prodding to begin with. we had to physically show our chickens where to go for a few nights before they got the hang of roosting on their own. Good luck, and enjoy your chickens! :)
the same thing happened to me. the first couple of nights we had to catch them and put them in the coop. they finally got it! one rained really hard one day and the noise on the roof (metal) i believe scared them out into the rain and they wouldn't go back up. i had to wait for it to lessen and go towel them off and put them in. they were soaked! learned my lesson--if its going to pour, maybe I should lock up the chickens. just in case. :)
They'll probably figure it out soon. Chickens never seem to use the right things. Mine always sleep in the nesting boxes.

Welcome to BYC!
My chickens did the same thing, they wouldn't roost. They would sleep in a cluster on the floor of the coop. With a little prodding [meaning physically picking up one or two and putting them on the roost] they eventually got the idea.

I had the same issue with the nesting/egg boxes. I had to physically put them in the box, eventually they figured it out. Although they prefer to use one or two of the five boxes available...but that makes it easier on me, all my eggs are in one place.

They still prefer to sleep in a cluster on the floor. But they are warm and dry and safe and happy... so I let them be.

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