new chickens, malaysian seremas!but why is my roo so heartless? *sigh*


11 Years
Sep 2, 2008
so, heres the thing,
i recently bought the coolest pair of chickens ever,
malaysian seremas, (ya know, the smallest chicken in the whole wide world?)

well, i was hopeing to breed them,
because where i live they can fetch a pretty penny, at about 30 pounds a pair!

and i was even more excited in the fact that my hen was allready laying, and my boys well, was doing the job hes there for...

and the first day, well it was a sucess, he stayed by the new hen,
and later did even more the stay by her, more like, stay on top of her....:eek: and well, for me it was a good sign,
but i hadnt got an incubator....
till recently,

but now,
all my new boy (named jack) [breds] my other layer, babs... well i kinda feel bad for the new girl, rosie,
and my wallet in a sence....

so any advice for making him leave babs, and see the love that was there with rosie?
because she just follows him and when hes with babs looks the other way...

its like having a soap opera in my back garden!

heres a picture of jack and rosie:-

and heres one of the evil babs...
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First off you should not confuse animal behaviors with 'love' or any other human emotion or trait.

Roosters act instinctually. Yes, they often do find a favorite hen and stick with her. However, you may start to notice her body is taking on some wear and tear and she may need you to separate them to give her a break from his attentions.

If you want the other hen to be bred them pen the rooster and the hen together while the other hen is taking a break from his affections.

I have edited a line in your post. BYC is a family oriented, child friendly forum and the image created seems rather crude for children to read.
i doubt anyone wll be happy with babs leaving except rosie really, hopefully jack wont be like his usual self and stand around calling for her for ages....
oh, and sorry, miss prissy, getting the wroung sorta image across wasnt my intention, i just wanted to get the story right...
um, sorry....
and how long do i seperate them for?
cus right now hes ignoring rosie standing about like a wally,
just looking for her....
heres hopign that rosies eggs are fertile,
its amazing that there eggs only take 19 days compared to normale chickens where its 21....

im still worried though...
i never thought a rooster could be picky....
Sounds like Jack took his long-term relationship for granted and let it go stale. Explain to him that he can rekindle the relationship by working at it. Make time to date Rosie. Let the chicks see them share affection. Create memories that will strengthen their bonds. Seeking out a new hen won't solve his problems, it will simply transfer them.

At the same time, help Rosie to understand that she played a role in this and to cultivate a forgiving attitude. Tell her that this is not the time to bring up money or nest problems. Help her keep her feathers and nails looking nice - roosters are visual creatures.

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