new chickens won'tcome out of coop

Mine only really come out when I sit out there with them. They're in a tractor, which isn't very large, so I sit on a seat outside their run. I feel like I'm babysitting! There are 4 pullets, aged 16-19 weeks. I'm happy to have found this thread, I thought there was something wrong with them!
My chickens seem to be coming out of the coop at little more, everytime i go upto the stables they come and have a look and then stay out for a while. When I went to feed the alpaca tonight they came waiting for their tea, they then quite happily fed alongside of the alpaca and even stood their ground when Dakota ( one of my aplaca ) wanted to see if their food was better. They are not goming out has much has i would like but i think that we might have turned a corner now just need to show them all the fields they can wander around

Thanks for the advice, I did not know what to expect

My chickens have settled in nicley and aer coming out of the coop freely, the other night my husband walked up to the stables and they ran under the gate to meet him. Every time we go to the stables they come out and want to be around you, a couple have even started to eat out of our hands.

Lets hope they start laying soon


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