New Chickie Momma Intro


In the Brooder
May 12, 2020
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I spent summers in rural TN with my grandparents who had a hen and rooster. It was always fun to watch them around the yard so I bought 4 baby chicks from one of our local farms a few years back. They did not survive :(. I'm willing to try again and want my children to have the experience of raising chickens.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
I bought 6 from Tractor Supply but lost one THIS MORNING, so we are down to 5. The one that didn't make it was much smaller than the rest and had pasty butt that I had to constantly clean. I'm not exactly sure what happened.

(3) What breeds do you have?
Straight run. Not exactly sure. I'll post pics soon so you guys can guess! In my last batch I had a New Hampshire red, a black sex link, red sex link and a California something that was white and had black spots.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
Watching them grow and see their personalities, having my children learn responsibility and how to take care of another living thing, fresh eggs!
And I find being outdoors around farm animals very therapeutic.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Painting, DIY projects, gardening

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
We are a blended family that lives in West Central Florida. I'm a Nurse and my husband is a Plumber. We have 4 children (2 mine, 1 his and 1 common between us). We also have 2 outdoor cats. We live in an area where chickens roam around the neighborhood. They come up onto our porch and the kids just love feeding them!

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
I've known about this group from when I had my other batch of chicks. Figured I'm come back and be a little more social LOL

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