New chicks, do they need a special food or supplement


5 Years
Sep 11, 2014
Hey y'all. We have a small flock of 11 chickens currently. They are about 2 years old now. Today I will be getting 6 new golden buff hens. My question is, is there anything special I need to feed them or give them to make sure they are healthy and ready to go when the time comes to introduce them to our girls? I just want to make sure they get a healthy start!

Thanks in advance for any help y'all can give me!!

Go ahead and buy the starter chick crumbles. They have medicated and non medicated, that is completely your preference. Also as I just experienced catastrophic losses because of it, look for a quail waterer. They are much smaller, but I started with the chick water with rocks in the bottom and lost my whole batch of chick's to water. I asked around and people recommend the quail waterer.
Otherwise keep them nice and warm and you should be fine.

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