New Chicks; Sex Link, Barred Rock, Buff, unknown--help

So I went to the feed store for some crumble and to order a new feeder. The baby chick and duck delivery arrived while I was shopping for feed. I was chatting with the girl while she was putting them in the brooder. My wife really wanted to have some cool looking green and blue eggs so when she said 10 of the chicks were Ameraucanas i had no choice. $5 pullets aren't the best deal but I had to have them. I asked for 2 dark and two blondes. So of course the deal is 5 for 20. So we now have 5 new baby chicks in the little brooder. Check them out!

16 total now!

I also built a second larger brooder to move the girls when they outgrow this one. Coop will be built in roughly 4 weeks so the timing is spot on. Won't be a stressful move as both brooders can fit in the van and it's not too cold in North Texas. Chilly today but the chicks are very happy and content! All 11 are doing excellent. 3 of the chicks had poop stuck to their bottoms backing them up --- saw two of them the second day and one yesterday (day 3). Used warm water and a rag to loosen it up a bit to remove. One of them was very backed up; the second I removed the crusty poop it pooped a ton. Glad to have helped them.

Checkout the new brooder pics below. We are getting a second brooder lamp shade today as well. And possibly an Ameraucana chick or two if the store received any more today. :)

Funny-- I already removed the heavy white shelfing used for the top and dropped 7 bucks on a 5x2' roll of hardware cloth. Now it's nice and light. Also put up a waterer with 3 nipples.

The feeder was a good idea for about 5 minutes until a chicken got smart and ran it all out with it's feet. Just changed the Pine shavings today too so it smells nice and fresh. They are growing so fast but are just starting the awkward ugly stage. T minus 2.5 weeks!

Have a great weekend!


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