New chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 9, 2014
I am so excited. Thanks for all of the advice. I got a broody hen and separated her. I placed 5 eggs under he from other hens, making 6 eggs total. I candle everyday, until day 18, then I left them alone. Yesterday, all 6 hatched and appeared healthy. I just went out today and they are all doing great. I got 5 pics and I shall take the 6th pic later today. But here they are. 2 have yellow spots on their head which means rooster while one is all black which means hen. I cannot sex the other 3 but if anyone has ideas, your help is always welcome. I move here from NY and only saw chicken eggs in a store. Pet chicken are so fun.

The breed possibilities are
1 white egg hatched which is from broody mom silver phoenix.
1. chocolate type egg for welsummer hen hatched
4 brown eggs = 2 barred Plymouth rock hens, 2 americauna (easter egger) hens, 1 black austrlop hen

roosters could be
1 rhode island red
1 silver phoenix
Also, there are 7 boxes to lay in but they all take turn laying in one box so they only eggs I can separate are by color. Last I wrote Easter Egger as a possibility but there were no blue eggs uder momma so that was my mistake, take here out of possible mothers.

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