New Coop! Feel free to tell me what you think!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
North Carolina

Just Finished, about 100sf interior space, complete with Cedar Shake vinyl siding, and Cedar Shake imitation shingles! Has a ramp so the chickens can explore underneath, but completely enclosed at the bottom so no predators can get in.
I think it looks great-good job! Only caution, looks like you used chicken wire...some predators can rip through it. My run is chicken wire but the girls are closed in the coop at night and the coop windows have hardware wire. I would reccommend reinforcing yours with 1/2 inch hardware wire

Got any inside pictures?
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Thanks GoldDogs,and I plan on taking some inside pictures today. I did use poultry wire across the bottom, and in the windows. I didn't think about maybe something a little more thick. We live in the WIDE open, and I've never seen any predators although I know they exist out there somewhere. Mine too are locked in at night, and I will see about getting something thicker for the windows so nothing can poke through. What are the biggest predators? Snakes? Raccoons? Cats? Thanks for your help.
Most predators sneak in at night...I have never seen a weasel but based on the size of hole and the condition of my 2 dead chickens...We have weasels! ripped right through, apparently they can fit through VERY small holes like 1 inch! A couple days after that attack...a raccoon got in my duck house and that was the end of my ducklings...and he had the nerve to come back looking for more!

I had to learn the hard way so I try and lend my knowledge to others so they have a fighting chance!

how old are your little ones? I will be watching for more pics!
I bought 10 chicks when they were 1 week old, they are Buff Orpington/Rhode Island Red cross. They are 8 weeks old now. They look real nice, yet I do not know yet which ones are roosters, and which are hens. Some are starting to grow larger combs, and I am assuming these are the roosters. I will post some pics of them too!
Nice Coop!

I'm in NC too, and the critters I've seen are raccoons and possums. Both can reach right through chicken wire, I'm told. We also have foxes and snakes - although the only time I've heard about snakes being a problem was in regards to eggs and chicks.

Can't wait to see more pics!
Hey guys the last pictures didn'tload for some reason, at least not on my computer, so I am going to post them again!



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