I just finished my coop/run. I am new to chickens so I would like some input.
It is 4x8, not counting the enclosed area, which is 2x4. The north and west walls are solid, as that is where the cold wind usually blows from here, the south and east are chicken wire to allow sun and ventilation. The roof of the enclosed area is hinged to allow access to the eggs, and I used clear skylight material to cover it so I can check for snakes and such before opening it. There are two nest boxes in there.
I have five Barred Rock hens that will be free ranged during the day. I am wondering if I need a door on the enclosed area to shut them up in there at night, or should I let them roam between both areas as they choose? Is the ramp necessary, or could I get by with moving the roosting ladder a little closer to the door for them to use? It seems like the ramp takes up a lot of space, which is limited already.
Any input is appreciated.
It is 4x8, not counting the enclosed area, which is 2x4. The north and west walls are solid, as that is where the cold wind usually blows from here, the south and east are chicken wire to allow sun and ventilation. The roof of the enclosed area is hinged to allow access to the eggs, and I used clear skylight material to cover it so I can check for snakes and such before opening it. There are two nest boxes in there.
I have five Barred Rock hens that will be free ranged during the day. I am wondering if I need a door on the enclosed area to shut them up in there at night, or should I let them roam between both areas as they choose? Is the ramp necessary, or could I get by with moving the roosting ladder a little closer to the door for them to use? It seems like the ramp takes up a lot of space, which is limited already.
Any input is appreciated.