New coop

chicken opey

7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Central MS
So I thought they would be happy in their bigger coop - out of box (24). They’ve been in almost an hour and haven’t calmed down - peep up a storm. They are about 9 weeks old. Is this normal? Adjusting?
I bet they're adjusting, just getting used to new big house. If they know where water and feed is. And it's warm enough.?
The low tonight is 72 so I feel they are plenty warm. They have water and food. I left light on for awhile so they could get adjusted. They even tried getting in the wheel barrow - what we used to transport back to old box 😂 poor things
Can you put the box in the coop?

Chickens hate change, complain loudly. They will get over it, and 9 week old chickens do not need added heat at really any temperature that an adult chicken can live in.
What they were in is too big to fit in door of coop! You weren’t kidding they don’t like change! I put a whole bag on pine shavings down and will put more down tonight. They seem to snuggle into that. They were so loud I thought that might bring every predator in a 5 mile radius 😱

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