NEW Dangerous DOG LAW- needs attention!

I used to show big dogs and I met a lot of wonderful sweet and loving large dogs. I still have large sweet loving dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly. My mom used to work in a vet's office. The dogs that bit people the most when brought in for grooming, treatment, or routine shots were the poodles and other toy dogs. I think this bill is so wrong. There needs to be something done with the proven aggressive dogs but this bill is not the solution to the problem. Banning all dogs over 40 lbs. is just wrong.
any responsible dog owner already does those things that are in the bill.... they are trying to FORCE IRresponsible people to be responsible and it just WONT work...

yeah my poodles are over 40 lbs... i TRAIN them, they stay ON LEASH,(if they get off the leash i can control them by a few words) and i have several secure fenced areas for them...
what is so BAD about that????
they bark at people, but they dont threaten to bite people through the fence AND i can CALL THEM OFF.. my dogs listen to me...
i see AKITAS are on that list, i love akitas and have owned several.. and ALL of my "dangerous dogs" have been trained and kept in a secure area.. if they ever got loose and caused problems i would understand if they were shot/killed..
my un-nuetered male akita even had a CGC (canine good citizen)
the people doing the testing on him were amazed what a good dog he was and the control/training he had... and he was considered a "dangerous breed"..
and if a bill like this passed in my area, i would be a responsible owner and do what it takes to own the breeds i love.. if you are NOT going to "do what it takes" to train a dog and keep control over it, you should NOT own one.... OF ANY BREED.... i personally have been bitten by more cockers and Llhasa (i think they need to be banned) than any other breed..
in my line of work i think the most vicious "dangerous" breed is the un-nuetered male CHIHUAHUA(horrible little rats).. the only reson they are not on the list is because they only wiegh 5lb...

in MY area.. dangerous dogs and their owners are NOT delt with harshly enough..
sorry so long.. but i am tired of untrained, unsocialized, fear biting dogs, all because of LAZY stupid humans..
and i am tired of chicken killing, cat chasing, breeding out of control LOOSE dogs, all because of lazy stupid human...

i think their should be a BAN on lazy stupid humans owning dogs (of any kind)
AMEN Sandypaws!!! I am a groomer and have been bit by more nonsense and Cockers. Never by a Rottweiler or a Pit.
BTW...I do not suport breedism.
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If you don't have a fence, then I wonder if you ever let your dogs out without supervision. It seems like it would be a normal thing to do. Those are the dogs I see heading down the road when their owners haven't a clue it has happened. I'm not saying your dogs in particular are a problem, only that I have witnessed it many, many times.

Now on to which breeds are dangerous-they all can be. I have had personal protection dogs, one of my past jobs was working at a security company that trained ppd for Nevada Police Departments. Those dogs were under control, but IF one had ever gotten out of its yard IT could have been dangerous, because part of making a ppd is teaching THEM to be alpha over everyone except the handler.

As a Vet Tech, working in an emergency only hospital, I can tell you all dogs can bite, most will not, and the ones you don't worry about are the ones that will nail you. Breed does not matter. Having a 25lb Sheltie dangling from my hand was not a pleasant experience. But treating lions from the shows, was kind of cool, dangerous, but cool.

Yesterday, two of my WELL TRAINED dogs got through a gate on my property, and with that pack mentality attacked one of my bucks. This all happened while I was in town, and when I returned we called them off, and the goat will be fine. My point is mentioning this, is this is my first dog attack, these dogs have been around the goats under supervision and were always well mannered, no hint of a problem until yesterday. ALL dogs can go off, pack mentality is in their genetic makeup, we control it MOST of the time.
people that dont have fences, should ONLY take their dogs out to potty ON LEASH.. long long leash, i dont care but it should be under control at all times...

nobodys dogs are perfect.... things happen, fences break.. we are not talking about the once in a while "oops" i forgot to lock the gate.. the problem IS people allowing their dogs to roam and cause problems day after day after day after day....
if my moms neighbors pitbulls were a once "ooops- left the gate open",, then her dog and 2 other pets would still be alive..
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talking to me???? i lived in an apartment for 1 1/2 years with no yard.. my dogs went potty several times a day ON LEASH.. in the rain, snow, wind, heat... it did not matter.. they were under control...
now i have a house on 2 1/2 FENCED areaer AND i have several dog runs to contain them if needed... my fence is lined with hotwire top and bottom and most of my dogs are trained to stay IN the yard even with the gates left wide open...
matter of fact my friend left my gate open (accident) and the neighbors dogs (pitmix, rottmix, shepmix) came INTO MY YARD.. they attacked my 3 monthold chowmix puppy,, my adult karelian beardog threw himself at the neightbors dogs to protect the puppy.. he got his but kicked (3 aganist 1) my friend saw the whole thing and broke up the fight.. the puppy was OK but my KBD needed stitches....
the laws they are trying to pass are for people like my neighbor..he has BAD dogs that run in a pack killing other peoples pets.. he has no fences and has to be FORCED to even feed them and give them shots... he cant even catch/touch one of his dogs.... but there are NO LAWS to force him to be responsible.. yes there are "leash laws" but nobody to enforce them..
i had to put hotwire on the OUTSIDE of MY fence to stop his dogs from coming over and killing my chickens.. what laws protect me from his dogs??????
but they are smart enough to RUN away when they see me or i would have shot them all by now..
Or maybe they need to beef up the existing laws with stiffer fines/penalties. That neighbor of yours should lose his house the next time his dogs go a killing. Maybe if he was homeless he would get the message. He certainly is not getting it now.

Years ago north of Reno where I lived there were packs of dogs that roamed the neighborhoods. It took a group of housewives getting together, and agreeing to call Animal Control every time they saw those dogs, again and again, to correct the problem. Pretty soon Animal control was receiving 8-10 phone calls within an hour about the same dogs, and they got with the program. Until then, they expected us to catch the dog and contain it, and wait sometimes over night for them to show up.
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see that is the problem.. AC wanted a bunch of housewives to do their job.(catch the dogs???). and it took 8-10 call a DAY to get them to DO something about it.... sounds like where i live now...
thats what forces people to the SSS method

I support "one wrong bite and you are out". I would have no problem euthanizing my own pet if it bit unsolicited.
I support the current law dealing with behavior not appearance.
I support terrible penalties for irresponsible pet ownership!
I support the local leash laws.
I support people getting involved in their community and calling animal control. They need our help to do their job.

Totally agree. I'm 72 and fell Thur. My Pitt was there in seconds and stayed with me until help arrived, Under this law she would be destroyed because she weights more than 40 lbs. So they are going to destroy my friend, companion and caretaker just because of her size. I have seen some children that have more behaver problems than most dogs.

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