New Duck Owner! Need some advice!


6 Years
Jun 8, 2017
Hello All!
About 3 or 4 months ago we bought 2 ducks and 2 geese from the local farm store, since the weather has turned warmer they are now outside. They do have a large pond to swim on and are able to come to shore that backs our back yard and eat all the grass and bugs they want! I have read through several threads and I think I have identified the type of ducks we have as Rouens. I am also thinking we do have a male and female pair....the one that does not quack, has a lighter beak and has tail feathers that curl up is a male correct? I don't see any colors on the head yet, but they are normally out on the pond when its bright out.
We are acquiring another duck tonight, was told its a she and she is about 5 months old.... from the pictures and research I think she is a Blue Runner? Can any one confirm the breed on all my ducks?
Will they all get along ok?
When do they start laying? or how will I know?!
Also, when they do start laying, if they hatch will the geese do ok with them?
Do I need to separate them or will they be ok together?
I am sure I will think of some more questions as these are answered.

Thanks so much!!
I will get better pics of the 2 i currently have. The lone duck is the new one coming tonight


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