Thank you all so much! We have a large outdoor kennel for them to use as night shelter (wrapped in chicken wire and predator-proof) but plan to allow them to free range our fenced backyard during the day. For their shelter, do they prefer just pine shavings or hay for the ground and that’s what they sleep in? Or what do you suggest I provide for them to sleep comfortably? Since they are so messy, will I plan on cleaning the bedding daily?
Chicken wire will keep them in, but won’t keep predators out, if you can grab some hardware cloth that’ll keep them snug as a bug at night.
Purina flock raiser is a good starter food for ducks, tractor supply has big bags for a good price, it has niacin already in it but I sprinkle a handful of nutritional yeast on top of their feed tray just to make sure. Every other day ducklings get some wet cat food, they love it and that has a bunch of niacin in it too. I have a mixed flock here as well and currently feed everyone nutrena all flock pellets, move the ducklings to that around 4-6 weeks. I keep them inside until they're fully feathered/ waterproof (8ish weeks typically) but I'm also in upstate NY, so if you're in a warmer climate they can go outside sooner.
For bedding, use whatever you can get cheaper where you are, they're going to go through a lot of it. I alternate between chips and hay/ straw here, the birds like to rummage around in the fresh hay to find bugs, but other than that they don't have much of a preference.

The all flock feed doesn't have enough calcium for layers, so I have oyster shell on the side in a small hanging feeder for them to munch anytime.
Hi friends! I’m new to the duck forum. We have 8 hens and a rooster and decided we’d like to add ducks to our flock.
I am looking for suggestions as a first time duck owner.
I just ordered four female Khaki Campbell ducklings from McMurray hatchery. We have a large kennel for them to roost in, and a pool for them to swim. Will the ducklings need to be kept inside for the first few weeks as we did with our chicks?
Do you have any suggestions for me as a first time duck owner? Anything you’d wished someone told you your first time? They ducklings won’t ship until early April so I have plenty of time to purchase supplies. What do I need??
If you put the time in you can make Muscovy a lap duck
I've seen it happen a few times it just needs a little bit of work

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