New Duckling Can't Get Up


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2017
I have a duckling that finally got out of it's shell this morning. The others were born the past 2 days. This one was having problems so I had to go in and help it a couple of times. It finally made it out this morning but it just lays on it's right side and tries to move around. I tried to move him to see if something is wrong with his wing on that side and it does look a little different than the other. Like it is not stretching out as much. The duckling really got in a fuss when I was messing with it. I also noticed that his left foot looks a little curled or deformed. I have no idea how to help him. Please let me know of any suggestions.
I had one that seemed to have deformed feet right after hatch. I had pine shavings in my brooder and got some advice to take those out and just use an old flat towel so they had a flat but not slippery surface to walk on. By the next day feet looked fine and were up and at it!
I have been letting it rest but had checked it earlier before I posted. One thing I remember is that the right wing looked split instead of a solid piece when it comes out. It's very odd. I just feel so helpless and wondering what I am going to do if I can't help him/her. I am getting discouraged because that baby just lays on it's side and tries to push around. I have read everything about making hobbles for the legs and the shoes for the feet but not sure if that's the problem. Also, from what I read those things need to be done within the first few days for it to work if it is the problem. So now I don't know whether to try that or what.
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He's eating and drinking now. I checked him again this morning and now from further investigation it's his right leg that has a problem. When I pick him up the left leg works fine and he does the fast paddling with his foot. The right leg doesn't really move. He will pull it some but it just mostly stay in place and not move much. Now, I don't have any idea what to do.
It only shuffles with the left foot and leg. It lays on it's right side and shuffles with the left and the right has a little movement but not much. I do think it may have the curled foot but it just seems the right leg is definitely the big problem.

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