New Ducklings - UPDATE!

I just got off the phone with Metzer they didn't know anything about them being more heat sensitive. They were very nice but didn't have anything more to add.

I think in general there isn't really a right or wrong way to do things because it depends on so many variables. I agree my daughter and I are really enjoying learning and taking care of the baby ducks. Not sure she will remember it, she is pretty young but its something else we can enjoy together!

A fan for the ducks my DH would think I am nuts for sure!
I use a fan in both my duck and duck/chicken coop. and my dh does think I am nuts but it gets hot in there in summer and I have ALOT windows in my houses. Chickens especially are heat sensitive. Most important to have really good ventilation in our ducks/poultry coops.
I appreciate everyone's input on my duckies! I am happy to report she swam underwater (duckies torpedo) for the first time! She is catching up with here sisters and boding any other issues I think she has made a full recovery. I let the girls outside for some sunshine etc yesterday and it was so fun to watch them run around and explore!
I appreciate everyone's input on my duckies! I am happy to report she swam underwater (duckies torpedo) for the first time! She is catching up with here sisters and boding any other issues I think she has made a full recovery. I let the girls outside for some sunshine etc yesterday and it was so fun to watch them run around and explore!
That is great to hear..
Now we need more Pics!!
All five of the duckies are doing well now! 4.5 weeks and they are huge and they are changing color and getting real feathers!

I moved them outside into their run on Sunday but moved them back in the garage today because it is 45degF windy and raining. I wasn't sure if they would be ok outside or not at this point? Really bizarre weather here this year. I think if it wasn't windy they would be ok but wind chill?

Their duck run is finished except for the pond because I am using the pond as the brooder. They have a small coop that is about 200sq ft that they stay in at night and then during the day the run is about 18ft by 45ft with a 6ft round pond. They have trees, shrubs, and I put some waterers scattered around.

The pond is a 6ft x 2 ft stock tank which I dug into the ground about a foot and then I used the dirt from the hole to make a hill/ ramp for them to get in and out.

In the evening I usher them back into the pen. The first day I let them "free range" they just sat in one spot all day. But they are slowly getting braver. They will eat blue berries from our hand now too!

One question/ observation: My Pekin, puddles, is HUGE. She is almost twice the size (same hatch date) as the others. She is getting around fine and is almost quacking (between a peep and a quack but more of a quack). Do the pekins mature more quickly (meat bird)? Or am I over feeding? She also started getting feathers a full week before anyone else.

They have 24/7 access to feed and then get to forage during the day.

So excited to be able to sit down to dinner and see them running around the yard out the windows!
Oh my gosh what precious pics and your ducklings sure have grown,and they are gorgeous.
I am with you if rainy and windy, cool at 4.5 weeks old and still getting in their big duck feathers I wouldn't want mine outside either. Sounds like a nice place you have for them I bet they are enjoying it all.I love to sit in the morning having coffee seeing mine going all over looking for bugs and generally being ducks. Very relaxing. The lil human is adorable too and seems to be enjoying them also.
I finished the pond!!! And no surprise they love it! I am having difficulty with up loading pics at the moment but will try again soon.
They literally spend all day in the pond. Is that ok? I thought they would want to wander around and forage more but they just like to float in the water haha
Are you sure they aren't coming out to eat? If not maybe a little herding out of the water to make sure they are getting some nourishment.

We def need some pics. :pop

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