New ducklings!

Well from what i have read ducks need a minimum of 4 square feet of coop space for night time.
So sounds like your coop is pretty tight... 'maybe' 3 would work. But unless you plan on making it bigger i think 4 may be pushing it a bit....
And 10 square feet per duck for the run. So you have enough run space.

Maybe someone else has more advice on the size of the coop.
I have never tried to house mine in that small of an area.
If you cant add on to the coop maybe its best to just keep the 2 together for now.

As you know..My Ducks all lived in a 10x10 covered dog run and all 6 slept at night in an extra large dog house ....They did great...Now my Three Call live in that little prefabbed coop for breeding....I only let my Ducks out if I am home..:)....They are great....:)

I would get two more...;)
We have a problem

Ellie jumped out of my brother's hands this morning, and she's been limping pretty badly every since. She barely puts weight on her left foot, but nothing feels different. Nothing looks different. She doesn't cry out when we touch it, and she uses it to swim. But she doesn't walk on it much, and if she does, she's barely putting weight on it. What do we do? We're giving her some swim time and then letting her rest. Is there anything else we can do?
We have a problem :(  
Ellie jumped out of my brother's hands this morning, and she's been limping pretty badly every since. She barely puts weight on her left foot, but nothing feels different. Nothing looks different. She doesn't cry out when we touch it, and she uses it to swim. But she doesn't walk on it much, and if she does, she's barely putting weight on it. What do we do? We're giving her some swim time and then letting her rest. Is there anything else we can do?

Leave alone in the brooder to rest for a few days...Only play with Violet..

Rest and keep and eye on her...Possible sprain..?...Wood ducklings jump out of trees and do good...:)...Let her rest....;)

Also a warm bath once a day to keep her mobile...:)......Have no worries..:)....She should be okay..:)

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Thank you :) She scared me soo much! Already I love them. P.S. We changed our mins again... Violet is now Luna. That's final!
Leave alone in the brooder to rest for a few days...Only play with Violet..

Rest and keep and eye on her...Possible sprain..?...Wood ducklings jump out of trees and do good...
...Let her rest....

Also a warm bath once a day to keep her mobile...
......Have no worries..
....She should be okay..

Only difference is wood ducklings are usually jumping down onto leaf litter much different than hard wood floors even carpet. If you have seen them they actually land so gently and kind of bounce lol

Rest is a great idea and maybe holding the ducklings while sitting on the floor. Because they can leap when we least expect it just like this morning.
Hello! Thank you Miss Lydia and Chickens Really for the advice.

But I'm still a bit worried about Ellie. Her leg feels fine, no obvious break unless it's something that I can't detect. I checked higher up on her leg and hip, and nothing seemed to be wrong. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, just doesn't move around as much. When she does, she barely touches the ground with her injured foot, using it to help her balance but not putting much weight on it. she usually keeps her injured foot curled up, though I've seen her splay it on the ground when she's tried to walk on it.

It's so weird. Her leg seems fine, but it has no strength at all. She can move it; I've seen her scratch her bill with it and she does move it while swimming. We can move it, without her protesting. But it seems so listless; no strength behind it. Any idea what's happening? Should we take her to a vet, or will this heal on it's own?
Hello! Thank you Miss Lydia and Chickens Really for the advice.

But I'm still a bit worried about Ellie. Her leg feels fine, no obvious break unless it's something that I can't detect. I checked higher up on her leg and hip, and nothing seemed to be wrong. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, just doesn't move around as much. When she does, she barely touches the ground with her injured foot, using it to help her balance but not putting much weight on it. she usually keeps her injured foot curled up, though I've seen her splay it on the ground when she's tried to walk on it.

It's so weird. Her leg seems fine, but it has no strength at all. She can move it; I've seen her scratch her bill with it and she does move it while swimming. We can move it, without her protesting. But it seems so listless; no strength behind it. Any idea what's happening? Should we take her to a vet, or will this heal on it's own?
I am sure she injured it maybe like a stub you know when you stub your toe hitting hard on the floor. Keep her quiet for now. These types of injuries can take time to heal and her being so tiny, Is she eating and moving around at all. Even internal injures can happen when they fall from heights. Warm water therapy is good too as long as she isn't showing other symptoms such as not eating and drinking then I'd say more is going on. If you feel she needs to be looked at by a vet then you go by your gut.
I am sure she injured it maybe like a stub you know when you stub your toe hitting hard on the floor. Keep her quiet for now. These types of injuries can take time to heal and her being so tiny, Is she eating and moving around at all. Even internal injures can happen when they fall from heights. Warm water therapy is good too as long as she isn't showing other symptoms such as not eating and drinking then I'd say more is going on. If you feel she needs to be looked at by a vet then you go by your gut.

She's still eating and drinking. She's alert, and noodles around with her sister. Like before, except she now does most of this sitting down. She can move around the brooder some, hopping on one leg and using her lame one for balance. But most of the time she's sitting down.
I'm glad she doesn't seem to be in any pain, and I don't think she is. But her leg really worries me. If you push her normal leg towards her, she'll push back. If you push her injured leg towards her, you'll just end up folding it against her body, because she can't/won't move it. I'm not sure we have a vet near us that will see ducks, but we might. Maybe not a specialist but someone who deals in birds. But I really don't know what's wrong. Could it still be something like a sprain or strain if she's not showing any pain? Or something more serious, like a lame leg?

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