New Ebay Payment Policy for Hatching Eggs

those must be the wrong links,
i just read both and there's no mention of hatching eggs, or paypal only, it just says you can't request payment via the mail, you must use a internet payment merchant and that you will only be protect by them through paypal.

Sellers must offer to accept one or more of the following payment choices:
Credit or debit card processed through an Internet merchant account

Sellers may in addition offer to accept:
Payment upon pickup

For specific categories, sellers may also offer to accept:
Bank-to-bank transfers (also known as bank wire transfers and bank cash transfers)
Money orders
Any of the following online payment services:, cash2india, CertaPay,,,,,,, XOOM

Sellers may not solicit:
Buyers to mail cash.
Buyers to send cash or money orders through instant cash transfer services (non-bank, point-to-point cash transfers) such as Western Union or MoneyGram.
Buyers to mail checks or money orders (except for items in categories specifically permitted above)
Payment through bank-to-bank transfers (except for items in categories specifically permitted above)
Payment through "topping off" of a seller's pre-paid credit or debit card.
Payment through online payment methods not specifically permitted in this policy.
Payment through payment methods not listed in this policy.

These are the links that Ebay sent me via email explaining the new policy. So, they are the correct links. You can no longer accept any payment that Ebay can't get a cut of, basically. There are limited categories where you can accept other payment methods. So, it is not just for hatching eggs, but for other categories as well. There is no way they could have listed all the ones that you could not list with other payment methods, so they just listed what could be listed with other payment methods.

Just thought I would pass the info on. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers, so to speak.
not ruffled here
i hear is really good? anyone tryed them? i plan to only sell my eggs here at byc b/c i love yall so much
i ebayed my incubator and the fees were $14- 15 % thats a big chunk of a 65+25ship, i get really ticked that paypal charges fees on the shipping amount
really now the diff has to come out of my profit
i'll craigslist and BYC!
It depends on how much the transaction is for; some don't clear until delivery has been confirmed, or the buyer has left positive feedback. That opened a whole can of worms when I had a 40lb saddle to ship but couldn't use the money i'd charged for shipping to pay for it. Paypal charged me $19+ in fees for that transaction.
I do too... then received an e-mail a couple of weeks ago because someone was disappointed with their hatch rate and apparently it was my fault

Paypal really don't care what your refund policy is, they're the ones with your bank details and they do as they see fit.
My paypal account has been messed up since this time last year, have tried many times to strighten it out, now I do think everyone in India has at least 3 of my major credit card account #'s. I give up I will never use it again!!!
If they believe that it goes against Ebay rules they will. I've heard of people having money drawn straight from their bank account to refund scammers, overdrawing them. There was a thread on it a while back.
I have heard so many things about ebay and paypal lately that I just finally closed my accounts. I didn't want anyone having access to my cash- especially the direct refund proceedure that PayPal does. There are too many scams going on and too many poor ebay bids now a days. I have noticed that more often than not you can buy something new from the store for only a few dollars more than winning it on ebay. I vote we all go back to yard sales and classifieds

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