New -- Eggs Internally Pipped Yesterday. Now What?

Oil is an interesting idea. I'd like to know more about it (type, amount, when, etc.). When I spray water, the membrane dries out again quickly. My nose is constantly pressed against the incubator window anyway, so having to mist warm water on them a lot isn't a big problem.
I wouldn't suggest the paper piercer to most people. It's very sharp and could really easily pierce the duckling.

After I make a tiny hole with the paper piercer, I just used my finger nails to peel away shell and membrane.
The post was will a crushed egg hatch I dont know how to post link but search for oil on membrane and the post comes up .They just rubbed olive oil on membrane with their finger and it worked.
I haven't finished reading yet so I'm not sure if you have helped them or not yet, but for me, using a toothpick was very hard to not make them bleed. When I had my 1st hatch a couple months ago, someone suggested I use q-tips, (swabs) because there was less of a chance to poke a vein. That piece of advice helped me so much because every time I used the tooth pick I unintentionally would make it bleed. It was nerve wracking... I also had my own home made bator.... Good luck to you and your babies.
Thanks- It was also briefly mentioned again at 51. Without ever having tried that myself- I would worry how in different circumstances it could cause problems. What ever is used- it could still make its way into the blood stream while there is still blood in the veins- maybe the oil molecules are too big to pass through?? Chemistry was never my best subject. It could be worth a try- but I would by very careful in what type - and even brand of oil to use.
Any news yet??? How are those ducklings going ??

Yeah, I would be worried about oil going into their bloodstream.

We have five little ducklings! I would post pictures, but I guess I can't do that yet since I'm a new member. They are peeping and twitching, but still have their eyes closed. I think maybe their eyes are a bit glued shut from the gross thick ick that was inside their shells. Could that be right?

Two of them are completely out of their shells. It took all night for them to absorb their yolk and for a marble-sized bubble to go down. I was so worried about it. One is now in that situation. The other two still have half their eggshell stuck to them, but the majority of their bodies are out. I'm sure they also have a lot of yolk to still absorb.

I finally slept for awhile, but now that I'm up, I can't stop staring at them and reading BYC posts.

My duck Beaker has decided that she wants to sit on her eggs. (I have the incubator/hatcher on a table above her nest box cubbyhole). She spends all day on her eggs, hasn't laid an egg in two days (she usually lays an egg a day), barely wants to swim in the bathtub (has access to it 24 hours a day and usually is in there many times a day), and didn't want to cuddle last night (loves to sleep on my pillow or close to my head). I think all the ducklings' peeping has messed with her hormones.

Again, that you everyone for all your help! I would have five ducklings today without you. Honestly.

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