New England: Tornado Warning!!! AAHHH!!!


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
AHHH!! In parts of New England there's a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning, such as in Maine! A severe thunderstorm is suppose to pass straight through us and it could turn into a tornado in the next several hours.
I'm so worried about my chickens!!!!
I nor them have ever experienced a tornado before and I'm so scared
Last night there was a severe thunderstorm and the air was cooler, but today it's more humid and that cool air mixed with the hot and humid air can produce tornadoes!

Anyone else in New England worried about this???
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It just stopped storming here so I let the chickens out then checked the weather.

All I can imagine now is my flock getting picked up in a tornado.

I know the odds of that are... well... nearly nil but with my luck?
Exactly. There's a good chance of a tornado forming I think, but there's also another good chance that it will just be another severe thunderstorm with a tornado warning.
But I don't know. We're planning on going to the drive-in tonight but if a tornado hits....

I'm gonna go put in my chickens soon...In case it starts thundering. If it does, I will not be able to because I will NOT go outside during a thunderstorm!
Try not to over worry. Easier said than done I know.

Just keep your eye on the sky along with your cool.

Keep all your windows closed and stay away from them.

If worst comes to worse get in the tub and pull a mattress over top of you (no water in the tub). Either a mattress or several blankets.

Fill some pitchers with water just in case.

It'll be fine. You'll hear them in plenty of time to get to safety.

I've been thru 5 and I'm still kickin'.
I like thunderstorms and rain. There's nothing like sleeping while listening to the rain hit my house.

I'm not sure the chickens feel the same way, though.

And let's face it, the weathermen are almost never right!
What can I do for the chickens??? If a tornado was strong enough I KNOW it could blow away or destroy the chicken coop.
It's not secured down by anything.


I hope the storm passes by you quickly. I am in beaver, pa and it stormed all last night and now it is storming again. Stay safe.
I live in Kansas in the middle of tornado alley so we have a lot of tornadoes every year.....believe me it doesn't pay to get stressed out about them. Nothing you can do about them anyway.
Yes, but what can I do about the chickens? Will they be OK in their coop? If a tornado hits all we can do is go into the basement for safety...And if I could I would bring the chickens with me! All we have out there is my beloved rooster, Ivory, and a mother hen with her 3 young chicks.
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