New enthuisiast, two questions


9 Years
Feb 26, 2010
Recently I decided to start keeping chickens, changes to municipal code encouraged it, however I am working out of town most of the time and so my family takes care of them, I just returned to find this situation

Last week one of my Jersey Giants came down with something, I think it might be Mareks based off of reading descriptions here and on the net.

I noticed early in Febuary before leaving that her left wing didn't seem to extend, like it was deformed, her right wing functions fine and she seemed to be fine, happy and eating. Last wednesday they found her just in the coop, lying on her side. She seemed to not be moving her right leg. They have been keeping her during the day in our dog crate with some wood shavings as bedding and feeding/watering her, and while she can now kick and move both legs, she seems to weak to walk on them and only have heartedly grasps a broom handle or like as a perch. They have been keeping her in the coop at night to avoid distressing her, but she is just shuffling around the crate and doesn't seem to have improved.

Additionally I seemed to have gotten some flea or similar from her this morning when I was examing/photographing her.

I'm worried that trying to nurse her will just open the door to getting the other chickens sick. I have two older(unknown breed) ladies, and two more JG's(hatched early july).

I suspect even if it isn't Mareks the best course of action is culling her, as traumatizing as it might be to the kids.

Municipal code allows for six hens, and if I get two recently hatched pullets will I face this problem again in a few months, especially if it Mareks?

Second question is what is the timetable on Jersey Giants beginning laying? We have received two fully formed, but tiny eggs about a week apart, two weeks ago. Six months after their hatching was early Jan, so I understand they might not be in laying mode, but by the end of the month should they be laying?
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Take a very close look at the bottom of her feet. If there is a small black circle (scab like) search bumble foot. Check for lice- in the dark with a flashlight. They prefer to come out at night. Good luck!!
I've had no experience with Mareks. However, I tend to agree with Lesa...sounds more like a foot or foot/leg issue to me. Do her feet and legs appear healthy??? You mentioned fleas. Could it be mites or lice? I guess scaly legs mites popped into my head when you mentioned her not feeling comfortable standing. Have you closely examined her? The shafts of her feathers, especially around her rear area? Her scales on her legs? Her skin? Is she eating and drinking well? Other than her physical limitations (and I don't think my girls could roost on a broom stick...too round and small for my standard girls), does she have energy? Basically, do a CLOSE examination, and then please give us more info. so somebody can better advise you.

I'm not sure where the camera got off to, so I can't take new detailed pictues, and while I used a broom pole as an example(similar size to the dowel on the stool, she doesn't seem to gripping at all. The others chickens will grip my hand when being held, but she doesn't. I placed her toes on separate sides of the dowel, to see if she would grip it, The scales on her legs don't seem as deformed as they did on pics pulled up by google for scaly leg mites, they seem totally normal.

She seems to be eating well, not sure about the drinking, she seems to spill it as often as not. She does seem to not have energy, she'll eat and then spend hours just sitting. She definitely was not moving one of her legs last sunday, though she seems to have regained some ability.

I did notice a small, 1-2mm long, yellowish with a darkened abdomen, invertabrate come onto the glove as I handled her again, it wasn't jumping at all.

This is blurry photo of a baldish spot on her rear end. She has an ingrown feather? Reddish blob, the blurred black parts appear to only be scabbing materail, not pests. Most of her tail feathers are fairly short, which I attributed to being lowest on the pecking order due to her wing being deformed. What should I look for with the shafts of the feathers?
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I would suspect Marek's as well...unfortunately. But if that is the case it is my understanding that the other birds have already been exposed to it so culling would be useless unless it is to end any suffering of the sick bird. Some birds will recover from this and be ok, but always be a carrier. I would just give her a chance. Try to keep her fed, watered, and clean and see what happens.

I can't help you identify the pest you found as I have never seen any

good luck
That would be a mite. Not sure what kind. But if infested would bring her down. Kind of like a big gray tick on a dogs back. I figure mites can transmit disease like a tick or flea. I'm Not saying that it is not Marek's. If it is easier for you to cull it would be the quickest solution.

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