New Feature: Show All Topics - All topics started by a member

Thanks for the feedback. This feature was suppose to just be an addition and not to change anything else. We're looking into why some things aren't working properly anymore.

Now you guys know the joys of programming.

We'll go back to the old versions until we find a fix.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Exactly (as HenPen put it)... it's showing our actual posts, but there's no way of knowing if anyone has posted since then. I like the new option, but I am frustrated without the old one... I used to click my profile, show all posts, then when I was done with those, I'd click recent posts to see new ones.

This is exactly the problem I am having. I just cant put it into words really The old version where you could see your recent postings' title, not what you posted in words, was a little easier to use. I just cant find any of those.

Oh yes....The joys of programming,I have 2 websites myself but they are not interactive forums....
I will patiently wait and pray all is resolved
lol Thanks nifty! I like the new one but it just has a few glitches. Not many.

See like when I posted to this thread about the new update, all I can find is the words that I posted. Then also I cant find recent things that people responded to on topics that I posted/or replied to.

Sorry about that guys. It really is hard to test everything when adding new features, especially in such a crazy dynamic environment like this.

Thanks for your patience in helping us to de-bug this stuff. I personally think it is better to get stuff out sooner with a few bugs, then to wait months for extensive testing. That way we find problems faster and can fix them sooner.

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