New from Georgia!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Hi all. Just recently discovered the joy of owning chickens. My family and I decided to make the decision in a move towards becoming more self sufficient. All be it a small step, we've found it to be more enjoyable than first thought.

The whole process has been a wonderful opportunity for us to bond with each other and the chickens. Neither of us has much experience in carpentry let alone chickens, but we had a blast building the coop and run. We don't have a great deal of tools, but enough to get the job done. We picked up 3 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Rhode Island Reds that are about a month away from starting to lay. We also bought a couple younger birds from a friend. We have slowly been introducing them to the older birds and everyone seems to be getting along well.

One of our Rhode Island Reds appears to be sick. She has watery eyes and has some difficulty breathing at times. We have separated her from the rest of the flock and are nursing her back to health. Today she seemed much better.

I had no idea how fun and enjoyable it was going to be owning chickens, but I have to say...............I'm hooked. I'm planning on attending a chicken swap this weekend with a relative of mine. Perhaps I'll get another bird or two. Just need to do some more research first.

Anyway, look forward to being a part of the forum. I'll have some pics to post of our coop and birds soon.

Take care.

Hi && Welcome!!!
hello and welcome to BYC!! :D

you have made an awesome choice! one of the main reasons i started raising chickens was for the eggs as well.... it turns out im getting more from them than just eggs! i am getting love! every day i am learning something new and every day i love them more and more. they are not just chickens, they are my pets. they are family

i hope you little sick one feels better soon so she can go back to pecking around with the others. this is a great site BTW, any questions you might ever have im sure you can find an answer here! you are surrounded by other feathered friends on this forum :D

good luck!
Hello and :welcome
I bet building your coop would've been a very memorable experience! :gig I hope you have many rewarding experiences raising your chickens. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site! :D

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