New From Virginia :D


5 Years
Oct 1, 2014
Hello All!
I am so excited to be apart of this group. We (my husband and I) have a small hobby farm in the Shenandoah Valley of VA. We are currently raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats and just bought our very first flock of chickens. :D Yay!! I am so excited about this small flock of 5 counting our Rooster Solomon (who is a Leghorn/ Buff Orpington cross and he is STUNNING!! Pix soon!). Our hens consist of a Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington and a Maran/Orpington cross. I am in love with all of them as all have such great docile personalities. :)
This morning our family got to hear the wonderful "song from Solomon" as he crowed this morning EARLY - LOL! He is such a sweet Rooster and such a hunk too.

I am just over the hill about these chickens and I feel I have a good "starters" to my flock.

Well I hope I get to talk to most of yall either here or on another thread and I look forward to learning a TON of things about Chickens. :D
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Glad you joined the flock. Have you visited our Learning Center, it's a great first stop. Then you may like to peruse the Raising Backyard Chickens forum. Would love to see what Solomon looks like.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I just love the sound of a crowing rooster! No better way to start your day than with the crow of your rooster!

Enjoy your lovely flock and welcome to our roost!
Thank you everyone! We are currently "adding" onto our coop to get a bigger run for them to venture out more. I was hoping to be done with it today so I could get some pix of everyone. We'll looks like tomorrow we will for sure finish up. We are tacking the Heck Wire up.
Solomon he is stunning I cannot wait to post pix of him. He is golden/white with a brown half belted marking going across his back onto the wings. He's young, hatched this past April, but seems to know what he's doing lol.
I am a member on Back Yard Herds Forum (just dont get on that much anymore). Thanks again to everyone who commented. :D

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