New from Washington


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 23, 2011
Hey, I'm new to the forum, but not too new to poultry. My wife and I have a five acre homestead outside of Snohomish, WA. We've been raising chickens for a few years and started turkeys this year. We have a couple goats, as well as cats and dogs. We've had a subscription to BYC for quiet a while, but we are becoming very interested in what people in other places are doing with their small farms. We are beginning to share our experiences too with others through blogs and the only tavern in town.
from California

There are a few people that are new from Snohomish and I have to tell all of you, it's always been one of my favorite places in Washington.

No farm here, but about___????????? Ok a lot of birds. Plus the brooders, the incubators and have a hatch due today and not one pip yet.
Oh yeah. Chicks and eggs don't count, but I still don't know how many I have. They move too fast.
Snohomish is fantastic and there are lots of great people here, we are actually closer to Machias which is small enough to miss driving through.
Snohomish is fantastic and there are lots of great people here, we are actually closer to Machias which is small enough to miss driving through.

I haven't been back there for years, but we spent every summer when I was growing up and I remember all the little towns. Lots of little towns there. I had cousins that lived in Sulkum??? I used to tease them about blinking and missing it. LOL We used to stay in Auburn, but visited a lot. I haven't been back in 20 years, but I was even surprised how much that place had grown.

So what breeds of chickens and turkeys do you have?
Welcome, I am new also to the forum and to raising chickens! I am from Mt. St. Helens area. Very excited to chit chat with ya'll!

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