New Guy from Southern NJ


Jan 4, 2016
South Jersey, Exit 0
Hello all,
I figured I would start this out right by saying I'm clueless on raising chickens!
I have been trolling through the forum learning and reading everything that seems to be in my interest.
I'll give a brief description of what I'm looking to do. I live on about 1/3 of an acre, i'm fairly good with wood working so I look to build a Chicken Tractor. Got some "very good ideas here"! I do have neighbors and I approched them, they are fine with me having chickens so I'm good there. I was reading that I don't need a rooster, I just want egg layers. I'd like to have 4 to 6 no more and so far I'm leaning toward the Golden Comets from what I've read.
I do have two dogs, "corgis" and was wanting to know if this may be a problem, their not aggressive but do want to herd!

Anyway, thats where I'm at, and I'm looking for any suggestions. I'd like to get some birds in the early spring. I really don't know the best chicken for my wants and yard, so I'm all ears please.

Welcome to BYC! Any of the hybrids are a great choice and some will even auto sex. So you can be sure that you will have all hens. Another choice would be leg horns. They are laying machines and there are many varieties. If you want to add color to your eggs birds like Welsummers lay interesting colored eggs. About your dogs, if they want to herd the birds it may cause the birds some stress. However, that problem can be adverted by just keeping the birds separated from the dogs.
Hi Dave and welcome to byc - great to have you onboard. You have some good advice already, so I'll leave it at that.

All the best

Hi Dave,

If you haven't already done so, check out the Learning Center. There are some great articles to help you get started:

Golden Comets are one of several names for the red sex links and they lay very well. I have 3 in my mixed flock and they are wonderful birds. It's true you don't need a rooster to get eggs, you only need a roo for fertile eggs that can be hatched into chicks. It sounds like you are doing a lot of homework prior to getting your birds, that's going to be a big help in making this go well.

If you have questions, feel free to ask. There are a lot of helpful, friendly members here.

Thanks for joining us!
Nice to meet you Dave. Generally it's best if dogs and chickens never meet. Otherwise it generally ends up very badly for the chickens (dead). Ducks can be herded, chickens cannot. They will panic and their frenzied actions - will bring out bad responses in dogs.
Thank you Drumstick Diva!

I have a friend who has a german sheppard and he just ignores his chickens, That's why I was curious. I didn't think it was a good fit but it didn't hurt to ask.
The dogs and the chickens will share the same yard, I would like to let the chickens roam the yard for a while.
I'll just do a "swap out" when I need to let the dogs out.
This forum is/has great information and I've already learned quite a bit! My friend has 8 or 10 birds and a larger yard than I have.
I've got many eggs from him and thats the spark if my interest, not to mention I "LOVE" eggs.

Thanks for a Great Start!
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Hi Dave! You have come to the right place for excellent information! We are on our second year of chicken ownership and this place has been an invaluable resource for answers to all kinds of questions regarding chickens.

We are also from SJ! We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Dominiques, and Buckeyes. I can tell you that we have had some issues with frostbite with our RIR's and Buff Orps. They have pretty large combs and wattles and they had a little damage to them last winter. Although I do believe that it was probably caused by not enough ventilation in our coop (which we remedied, if a little late). Our Buckeyes and Dominiques don't really have much in the way of combs or wattles. Without the soft tender exposed tissue, they seem to be better suited to the cold that we usually have in the winter (this one being the exception so far) The Buckeyes are great layers, with large brown eggs. Our Dominiques lay smaller brown eggs, but are still good layers.

Good luck with your future chicken endevours!

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