new guy on the block


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
but ive been reading up on the forum and decided i needed some quail - so i picked up 6 northern bobwhites today...
i didnt realize they could fly so well... hahaha theyre all fine - just had a garage adventure.
I've had the garage adventure.

welcome, glad you got em back.
I've had the garage adventure.

welcome, glad you got em back.

do they always fly like that? even when theyre older? i was under the impression they were mostly ground birds -- will i need to keep them in the coop im building or will they be able to come out and walk around safely?
you will probably want to keep them in the pen, they do not come back often or roost like chickens.

yup, I agree, they are ground birds with explosive flight defense. and for that reason, kinda good idea to keep them in a "not so tall" pen so they cant fly (explode) up and break their necks.

mine got even faster as they got older. I could catch them at 6 weeks but they got faster and wiser as they got older, compared to my coturnix which I can grab at will, the bobs- I have to meditate and get my "ninja on" before trying to catch them...
have you ever considered keeping the wings clipped - i understand this could be tedious and time consuming depending on the number you have but i only have 6 right now so its not that big of a deal --

-- guess ill start training...
my ninja honing skill

also -- you say low -- what a good height for the coop to be --- should i let them have ground to walk on as well as an upper level?
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trimming wings may work for you. good idea and husbandry effort.

16" tall is all they really need. some will say no dirt but they love it, so your choice just be clean remove excess poo and have good drainage, add new dirt and maybe consider worming every once inawhile.

love the sounds my bobwhites make. will always have a few around.
got a pretty good idea of what im going to do in my head ... i just want to be sure they have enough room to be comfortable --
i know theyre birds but i want them to be comfortable and happy birds.
got a pretty good idea of what im going to do in my head ... i just want to be sure they have enough room to be comfortable --
i know theyre birds but i want them to be comfortable and happy birds.

Flight pens are the best thing as a breeder or raiser to have for bob whites,ringnecks,chuckars...with a 12-14 foot netting height...they have no reason to go breaking their necks when they are startled.Which will happen sense its part of their instinct.
also ive read that they shouldnt be with chickens --
How close can the pens be though -- i have plenty of space would like to keep them kinda in the same area if its ok.
I keep my bobs in an aviary style setting, with a litter floor, so of course I am going to push "big spaces"! LOL. My ceiling is 6 feet tall and rarely do they get up that high. 4 to 5 feet seems to be the desired flight height. Bobs are large hyper birds. They need as much room as you can build them. Instead of "how much room do they require", but look at it as, "how much can I give them". They say about 4 square feet per Bob. I like to offer about 10 sq feet per Bob. They need room to move. I have never had any trouble with keeping them on the ground, as long as that ground stays DRY. Moisture grows bacteria, fungus and parasites. So it is best to keep it roofed.

DIRT...Slightly wet dirt to dust bathe in is a Bob's dream come true!! LOL I bring it in by the bucket full.

The only time my Bobs are caged is during breeding season, spring thru fall. They will fight like cats and dogs and somebody is going to get hurt and or killed. So keep that in mind. My group will only tolerate one male to one female to a cage, although some folks claim they can keep them in trios. Once breeding season is over, they reform bonds and friendships and come together for the fall/winter covey.

You can only free range Bobs one time, and you will never see them again. So keep them penned up. If loose, they will not come back if called, or for a tray of goodies like a chicken.

My chickens are within 10 feet of my Bobs and nothing has "floated" over the fences. However, if you do have a walk in facility for your Bobs, you will need to ALWAYS change your shoes so you are not dragging in chicken poop into the quail area. THIS IS A BIG NO NO. I keep chicken shoes and quail shoes. The two never mix. Always wash your hands between your chickens and quail.
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