New Hampshire Chickenstock! Update!

Have fun tomorrow!

We won't be coming, we've had the end of week from H**L - went to a funeral yesterday for my husband's uncle - then my elderly cat died today after a struggle with a tumor in his tummy - we are wiped out and exhausted.

I hope you all have a great time.

I am so looking forward to this! It'll be me, DH and DS (who is seven and a half and has Down Syndrome). I'll be bringing two Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte cockerels, four Silver-Pencilled Wyandotte Cockerels, and one Silver-Pencilled Wyandotte pullet - plus a batch of gluten-free brownies.
LOL... we really need to redo our back porch and the attached shed part even looks like it may collapse, but last week DH went out and started building the big 16x16 "Poultry Palace" that I've been dreaming of for the past few years. I was planning for it AFTER we redid the porch. But hey, we poultry folks know where the REAL priorities are!
Hmmm, I don't know about a new coop, but I think (after all our new chicks and what we may pick up today) we may be building an addition onto the existing coop.
Louella I am sorry to hear about your week. I am not attending this either. I am looking into some different places to have one up here.
WOW! What a turnout...chickn and I are very pleased and and was great to meet other BYC people! Of course I didn't remember my camera so hope someone else will post a few pictures. Thank you one and all....we'll do it again!
Had a great time! It was nice to put name and faces together.
The little chicks I bought from chickn settled right in with the girls, so now the "flock" is complete

Audrey, Vivien, Olivia, Mae, Ingrid and Natalee.

TSC is wonderful as well. Just wish gas prices werent so high.
i for one am exhausted, and i brought birds home too,3 favorelle roos!!
buff orpingtons, and some quail eggs

it was a great turnout, will be sending a thank you to tractor supply, weather held up and cheryl went above and beyond, my mom and dad, what great people, they actually bought a gift card for tsc to put in the raffle as well, and mom was the lady selling the raffle tickets, did i say i was tired!!

cant remember anyones names, was fun meeting everyone, spook, queen of course, and siz.

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