New hen with broken beak


Apr 17, 2019
I just got a new hen and noticed that the other hens are feeding her. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that a piece from her top beak is missing and she is skin and bones! I don’t want to take her back as she will probably just be put down, is there any way I can feed her? I have experience feeding baby birds so I really don’t mind weaning till her beak grows back. Her comb is just coming in so I’m assumig she is around 17 weeks. I think she is an Andalucian breed (picture)

My question is what do I feed her? Do I crush pellets? Mash? Worms?

Any help appreciated!
The blue hybrid I just got has the same beak, I think it’s just chipped. I put a deep bowl of chick crumb in, it’s easier to eat than pellets. In a couple weeks I’ll mix some fine oyster shell in to help with eggs until/if her beak grows back.
If she can open her beak she’ll be able to get her face in the chick crumb, you can moisten it a bit, might be easier for her. And make sure she has 24/7 access to food. If she’s underweight, a layer feed doesn’t sound like the best thing to build her up. A high protein chick crumb would be best.
I cannot see the beak well enough in the picture, but it looks to be a small break. They normally will adapt with a bit of help until it grows out. Give them deeper dishes to feed and drink out of, raise them to shoulder height so they can better scoop with the bottom beak. Mixing your feed with some water to make a mash makes it easier for them to scoop also, experiment with consistency to see what she likes. Most birds like their feed made into mash and will eat it readily. If she is competing for food you may need to give her some time during the day to feed separately to get enough. She may be low in the pecking order and is/has not been getting as much access to feed, adding some more feeders and waterers can help with that. It will be harder for her to pick things up off the ground until it grows back.
I just got a new hen and noticed that the other hens are feeding her. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that a piece from her top beak is missing and she is skin and bones!

My question is what do I feed her? Do I crush pellets? Mash? Worms?

It’s missing the top bit, so I don’t think she can peck! The other chickens are trying to feed her
Can you please post some photos of your hen and the damaged beak?

If you have a video of the other hens trying to feed her that would be great, I would love to see that - upload to youtube and provide a link.
Did you file or trim the beak yourself?
That does not look broken to me(?)

Can she not eat/drink on her own?

No I haven’t done anything to it. She tried to eat but I don’t think she is getting enough. Which is why I saw the other chickens feeding her and I’ve been supplementing her by tube feeding


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