New hens......Barred Rocks


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
Went to the auction tonight and my favorite seller was there.
She is the only one there that I know for a fact has a clean flock.
I bought 4 big fat BR hens from her. Combs are bright red and she said they were laying an egg every other day.

I put them in the new coop with the 8 week old RIRs and there was not even a skirmish at all.
I guess in the morning they will sort out the pecking order in the run.

Pics later.
I have 5-- 4 ladies and their Roo... unfortunately, none are very friendly and hate teh other chickens, and Bubba (the Roo) Is a downright wuss!!!
But they are big, fat and pretty-- and will hopefully lay soon....
So if yours are integrating that easily, you will have a decent flock!!!

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