New here with an issue with a chick, broken toes or bone defiency


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
Good morning back yard chickens.
A friend mentioned this site.
This pullet is about a week old if a little less. I recently got them from a Norwegian Jaehon breeder near me.



I have contacted him, but want to know what my options are...
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If you're not interested in showing or breeding, and just have them for eggs/meat/pets, I wouldn't worry about it. This, I have read, can be something that happens during hatching, or it can be a genetic problem. You might be able to straighten them out if you wish, with some tape and a lightweight piece of cardboard. I've had two adults that had a toe or two like that; never bothered them.

If he's breeding for quality lines, this chick may be a cull because of the toes and the possibility that it is genetic.
Jaehon_geek , I just posted about an Ameracauna chick of mine that did this and she seems to walk fine too. I tried the taping to straighten them, but once she was untaped, they would go back to curling. Thank you DDawn for the reassurance that she can be a full sized hen and not have troubles walking with them.

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