new here


Jan 4, 2016
My fiance and I are new members but long time observers lol this site is a tremendous learning tool and I would like to thank everyone in the community for their knowledge and help even before we became members......

I am Tom, my fiance is Zee. We came into our flock on whim. My fiancé located 3 Americuans on a Fb yard sale site and the rest is history. We built a coop far too large so we then decided to purchase more babies. We knew nothing about chickens but found every bit of information possible here, on backyard chickens. We now own a flock of 9. It consist of our orginal 3 plus.....2 sexlings, 2 rhode island reds, and 2 buff orphintons. Thanks to the help of the community we have determined we have 8 hens and 1 rooster! (Awaiting confirmation) we look forward to learning more and connecting with the community.

Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined us. Beautiful coop you got there, and beautiful flock too!

If you want, you can post pictures of the suspected cockerel to the "What Breed or Gender is This?" forum and the knowledgable folks there can help you out with confirming the sex.
Hi tom and zee - welcome to byc. A great place to talk everything chicken. Hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us.

All the best
Hey Tom & Zee,

You aren't by any slim chance in KS are you? My sis-in-law has a brother Tom and his partner is Zee. I figure odds are small but thought with those names, maybe there was a chance.

Congrats on the new flock, chickens are so fun and interesting! I hope you enjoy your's as much as I do mine.
NorthFLChick, we are actually in AZ and originally from NJ. That is a really crazy coincidence though.
Nice to meet you Tom and Zee. Glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock
I would be cautious of your in- ground pool, chickens may use it as a water dish(in warm weather) fall in and drown. They usually can float a bit but not swim, trouble is they panic and just drown.

Chickens as a rule are always looking for ways to get locked out, chased, caught in corners etc. They really need baby sitters at times. The fall into buckets etc. Not trying to freak you out, just giving hints of where they may be if you suddenly can't find them all.

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