New in Ohio

from Louisiana!!
Greetings from Ridgeway, South Carolina!
I am originally from Chillicothe, OH and grew up in Xenia. The Air Force moved me far, far away and showed me many cool places, and SC is where I landed. I am less than a year into chicken keeping and I have learned sooo much from this site. I believe it will be a big help to you. I started my coop last fall and got my chickens in April. Got 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhoade Island Reds, and 2 Barred Roks to start and added 2 Easter Eggers later. Thought I had 8 hens and then one by one they started to crow :) I had 3 roosters (1 Buff and 2 RIR). I have since added 4 Black Orpinton hens and I built a Roo-Cave to get the boys out of the coop and run with the girls (you can see this on my BYC page).
Have a great day and again, welcome to BYC!

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