New in WI


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 17, 2013
Hi. We have our first chicks. they are now a week and a half old buff orps - hens (I hope). Lets see where to start. When we decided to get chickens our village said we needed a conditional use permit, so we filed for one and got our hearing date set for May 6, (a month and a half later). Well, Farm and Fleet needed the chick order before then, so we placed our order and hoped for the best. Worst case senerio, they would go to SILs farm. So, May 6 rolls around and the village decides that if they do this for us, it opens it up for everyone so they want more time to do more research to make sure they do it right... Hearing rescheduled for another month down the road.... So the next day our chicks come in early!!!? We are currently outlaw chicken keepers but still hoping for the best. Building the coop and waiting for our hearing on June 12. Wish us luck. We started this to get the kids out of the house. No TV, no video games. Outside and dirty like kids should be. In the garden and playing with the hens.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan
- and good luck!
Well, our continuation with the village board is tomorrow to determine if we can have these chickens - I am so nervous. I REALLY want to keep these ladies. They are so much fun to watch and it has been such a great family project so far building the coop and run. I think this will be really good for our family. My 7 year old son would now choose to put down the video game or turn off the TV and go hunt tasty bugs for the chicks to eat. But, we are at the mercy of the Village. I am hoping it goes our way tomorrow and we get a YES to Chickens in Dane, WI.!!! Wish me luck..

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